14 Health Benefits from the Superfood Alugbati Leaves

Alugbati is a leafy green vegetable, usually grown as a garden plant. Also, it is familiar as Malabar Spinach and it is very favored in the Philippines. This vegetable has a bright red stem with heart-shaped leaves growing along. Its fruit can range from red to dark green color.

As well as the other green leaves vegetables, the Alugbati leaves are rich in iron and have a lot of nutrition. According to the nutrition data, only 100 grams of Alugbati leaves has the following calories, minerals, vitamins, protein, and water:

  • Calories – 19
  • Iron – 6%
  • Fat – 0.3 gr
  • Protein – 1.8 gr
  • Vitamin A – 160%
  • Magnesium – 16%
  • Vitamin B6 – 10%
  • Sodium – 24 mg
  • Vitamin C – 170%
  • Potassium – 510 mg
  • Carbohydrate – 3,4 gr
  • Calcium – 10%

We present you with 14 health benefits of consumption of the Alugbati Leaves, which are as follows:

Cancer prevention

Alugbati is packed with antioxidants just like the other vegetables.  It fights the free radicals, considered to be the principal reason of forming some cancer types. According to medical studies, all green vegetables including the Alugbati are superb in prevention of the growth of cancer cells, in particular in the oral cavity and the lungs.

Control of the blood pressure

Alugbati leaves have high contents of manganese and potassium making them very beneficial for the blood pressure and the heart rate. These contents are the key reason why it can prevent heart disease and can relieve a high-blood-pressure related headache.

Reliever of Ulcer

The smoothness of the Alugbati leaves can act as reliever of stomach ulcer. Also, it is safe to use for any other digestive matters.

Constipation prevention

The leaves of Alugbati are also good for the digestive system, because it boosts the bowel movement, prevents constipation and similar digestive related matters.

Release of toxins

Since the Alugbati can boost the bowel movement, it can also allow the body to set free toxins from feces. Moreover, it is also familiar as a diuretic, because it allows the body to release more toxins through the urine.

Beneficial for pregnant women

The Alugbati leaves contain folic acid, a nutrient which is very much needed and beneficial to pregnant women and the development of baby’s healthy nervous system.

Anemia prevention

This vegetable also called spinach has leaves that are rich in iron. Only 100 grams of fresh leaves can satisfy 15% of the daily need of iron. The regular consumption can prevent you from developing anemia.

Better sleep

Apart from maintaining the good health of internal organs and skin, the Alugbati can also help with relaxation. The vitamins such as magnesium and zinc help with relaxation of the whole body and quick recharge of energy.

Better eyesight

The Alugbati leaves and its stem contain high quantities of vitamin A, which is important for eyes’ health. Therefore, the consumption of Alugbati can improve the eyesight.

Weight loss

Each single serving of Alugbati leaves contains many nutrients such as natural fibers, vitamins, and minerals, but still it has very low calories. Its fiber contents are also favorable in improvement of the digestive organs, so that it is resulting to an improved metabolism system as the key to weight loss.

Anti-Aging benefits

Free radicals can cause premature aging. By applying Alugbati leaves directly to the skin, its antioxidants delay the premature aging process and it also makes the skin appear younger and firmer.

Softer skin

For a softer skin, you can apply Alugbati leaves directly on your skin and you can use it as a home-made natural facial mask. It rehydrates and soothes the skin.

Reduction of swelling

The Alugbati leaves have the ability in cooling down the skin, which is also beneficial in reduction of swelling. The vitamin contents block the inflammation and reduce the swelling.

Immunity booster

Many studies through the years reveal that the Alugbati is very high in vitamin C influencing positively and boosting the immune system.

When consuming the Alugbati Leaves, it is highly recommended to select the shiny, fresh leaves and firm stems. That means to avoid the discoloured, sunken and dry leaves. Prior to cooking, the Alugbati leaves should be thoroughly washed in cold running water. The best way to consume this vegetable is to include it into soup, stew or to stir-fry.