15 Amazing Health Benefits From “Malunggay” Leaves

This plant is known as “Malunggay” at the Philippines, while in different areas of the world, it is familiar also as Ben Oil Tree, Horse Radish Tree, Moringa and Drumstick Tree. The Mallunggay has white trunk, can grow maximum to 9 meters high and has a compound leaf each with 4-9 leaflets. It also has white fragrant flowers that produce long pods with three-angled winged seeds.

In the past this plant was considered to be “poor man’s vegetable”, but actually the Malunggay contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, so that the body can cure and fight different types of illnesses. Known as “Miracle Tree” nowadays, almost every part of this plant including the trunk, roots, branches, leaves, flowers and seeds can find a use for both nutritional and medical purposes.

We present you with 15 health benefits of consumption of the Malunggay leaves, which are as follows:

Strengthens the Immune System

In comparison with other supplements and vitamins packed as pills, the Malunggay leaves have 10 times more capacity in boosting the immune system.

Improves The Good-Night Sleep

In case you lack sleep, the Malunggay presents as a natural sleep aid to an improved good-night sleep. It provides relaxation and prevention against nervous disorder. Also, the problems connected to anxiety while sleeping can be decreased significantly with the help of the vitamins and the anti-spasmodic in the Malunggay leaves.

Has Antifungal, Anti-Infectious and Antibacterial Effects

Due to the fact that the Malunggay leaves contain vitamin A, B, C, and E, beta-carotene, thiamin, phosphorus, lipoprotein, calcium and iron, it is used in herbal medicine for anti-infectious, antibacterial and antifungal effects. The Isothiocyanate, a characteristic component of the Malunggay leaves, proved to act as antibacterial, anticancer and hypotensive to the human’s body. Moreover, the Pterygospermin in its leaves acts as antimicrobial.

Regulates and Lowers the Cholesterol Level

The Malunggay leaves also contribute and regulate the cholesterol level, because it contains vitamin A, B and C, proteins,  iron, calcium and potassium.

Normalizes The Sugar Level (Diabetes)

Diabetes is one of the most frequent health conditions nowadays. With consumption of Malunggay tea leaves, diabetes can be managed or treated. You can prepare tea by adding one tablespoon of Malunggay leaves into a cup of hot water and brew it for 5 minutes. It is recommended the tea to be consumed after breakfast each day. With regular daily consumption of a single cup of tea from Malunggay leaves, the blood sugar levels should decrease significantly.

Contains A Huge Quantity of Vitamins

The Malunggay leaves are rich in vitamins. Namely, an ounce of Malunggay leaves contains the same quantity of Vitamin C as seven oranges. Also, the Malunggay leaves contain four times more of the vitamin A than carrots and three times more of the potassium than bananas.

Boosts Fertility

The Malunggay leaves are known to enhance the sexual activity in the following manner: its flowers in combination with soy milk is used as aphrodisiac and promotes men fertility.

Provides More Milk for Breastfeeding

In order to prevent malnutrition for babies, breastfeeding mothers have to give them the best milk. With consumption of the Malunggay leaves, mothers are able to produce more milk for their babies.

Treats Fever, Common Cold and Asthma

This amazing plant can boost the immune system and fight diseases. With its high quantity of vitamin C, it is considered to be one of the best natural medicines to take when having a fever, cold or asthma. For asthma treatment, a drink of its seeds, juice from young root have to be mixed with milk.

Anti-Cancer Effects

The Malunggay leaves also contain benzyl isothiocyanate a content known for its chemoprotective and anti-tumor capabilities. For cancer patients undergoing chemo treatment, this plants helps them to boost cells so that they can easily tolerate the after-effects from the chemotherapy. The Malunggay leaves are also often used while treating prostate and skin cancer.  

Contains A Lot of Protein

The Malunggay leaves contain two times more proteins than milk, so it is an excellent choice if you want to build some muscles.

Strengthens The Eye Muscles

The Malunggay leaves contain many vitamins and minerals that prevent general micronutrient disorder. The Vitamin E strengthens the muscle weakness in particular the eye muscles.

Reliever of Ulcer and Glutamic Acid

Another benefit of the Malunggay leaves is ealing of ulcers or gastritis because of its amino acid histidine.

Treats Rheumatism

Because of the amino acid histidine in the Malunggay leaves, it can be applied to heal the aching muscles and to reduce rheumatism pain. The roasted Malunggay leaves and seeds jointly should be applied to the painful areas of rheumatism.

Restores The Skin Condition

Among men and women, skin problems are one of the main interests. With daily consumption of Malunggay’s young and fresh leaves, the reddened and irritated skin can be improved and  reduced.