6 Surprising Ways to Use Orange Peels

If you are a fan of oranges, you probably end up throwing the orange peels in the trash because you may not be aware of the incredible ways in which you can use them. Apart from providing your home with a very pleasant fragrance, the orange peels can act as wonderful cleaners that will make your house fresh and spotless. Here are some amazing ways in which you can use an orange peel.

Aromatize the home

The orange peels are one of the best homemade air fresheners. What you should do is to boil a few orange peels in water and your home will get the amazing smell of oranges. Optionally, you can add some cinnamon and lemon juice into the water.

Clean the house

The orange peels are amazing natural house cleaners. You can make a mixture by putting some orange peels and a couple of cups of white vinegar in a jar. After keeping the jar in a freezer for few days, you can use this mixture for cleaning your house. Unlike most of the household cleaners, which contain many toxic chemicals, this mixture is completely natural and, it will clean your home without leaving any toxic residues.

Remove water stains

The orange peels are a great remover of water stains from your furniture. In order to clean water stains, you should rub the furniture with the inside part of the orange peel. The oils contained in the peel are the best natural stain cleaners that will easily make your furniture spotless and shiny.

Deodorize the garbage

Before you place a garbage bag, put some dried orange peels in the bottom of the garbage can. Instead of smelling bad, the can will get a pleasant citrus scent. The reason why this occurs is because the orange peels contain acids that are effective in neutralizing odors. You can also put them in the garbage disposal and, run the appliance for a few seconds. You can repeat this once a week and, your disposal will always smell nice.

Eliminate the insects

If you want to get rid of all those annoying flies, ants, and mosquitoes, you should put an orange peel near the doors, the windows or, any area that allows them to get inside your home. The orange peels contain limonene, a compound contained in citrus fruits. This compound is unendurable to the insects, which is why the peels are effective in preventing them from entering your house. In addition, you can use the orange peels to protect yourself from mosquito bites. You can rub your skin with a fresh orange peel and, the smell of the oranges will prevent the mosquitoes from approaching you.

Brighten your skin

You can use the orange peels to make your skin bright, clean and shiny. You should put some orange peels in cheesecloth and use them to rub your skin while you are taking a shower. By doing this, you will make your skin firm with an even complexion. Also, you can use the cheesecloth with orange peels as a substitute for a skin cream. By massaging your face with the cheesecloth, you will remove all the toxins from your face and, you will get a light and clear skin.