7 Ways to Use Egg Shells

It may sound incredible, but the fact is that the eggshell is a natural source of mineral. Egg shells are rich in 90% calcium. Calcium has a number of roles in the function of the human body, such as building bone mass and preventing osteoporosis, then regulating the heartbeat, normalizing the function of nerves and muscles.

We believe that all housewives, after using the eggs, throw the eggshells in the trash. Read on to find out how you can use eggshells in many ways.


Clean your sink


How can you use eggshells to clean your sink? Leave the eggshells to dry and blend them to a powder. In an empty sink, pour the powder, a small amount is enough, then drain the water. The dust that was spilled earlier will collect all the pieces of food that are left through the pipes. With this regular application of the sink, you will always have a well-cleaned sink and your pipes will not be clogged.


Face mask


The procedure for making a face mask is the same as for cleaning the sink. Leave the eggshells to dry, then blend them to a powder. You can mix that powder with egg white and use such a mixture as a face mask.


Stain removal


Most often, coffee cups that are light in color leave stains that are not removed with regular washing. Usually, limescale remains in the lower part of the cups. What can you do about it? You can break a few eggshells and put them on the cup with a little water. The porous peels absorb the stain and clean the cups, without leaving any chemical odor. Also the scale of the cups can be cleaned that way.


Protecting flowers from cats


Those who have flowers in their yard know very well what it is about. It is really a big trouble when you have to chase cats from your yard, because they defecate in the flowers. Urine acid destroys the flowers and they dry out and wither. How can eggshells help with this problem? Put broken eggshells around the flowers. This will deter cats, as broken egg shells have sharp tips that irritate their paws. Worth a try, right?


Make your own home cleaner


Egg shells contain natural abrasives, which are found in most standard products, but they also contain toxic chemicals that are not found in egg shells. Dry the eggshells and blend them to a powder. Then mix them with baking soda in a ratio of 1: 3, making 1 egg with 3 teaspoons of baking soda. Then add a little water to make a paste from that mix. You can use this mixture to clean pots, to clean the oven or to clean the bathtub.


Removing garden “intruders”


To use the eggshell for this purpose, you need to dry them again and then blend it. Dried bark powder can kill insects around the plant. It is recommended to cover the nests made by insects, around the leaves and the base of the plants that are infected with pests.


Making a cheap source of calcium


As mentioned earlier, egg shells are a natural source of calcium. Instead of using calcium supplements, you can use egg shells in your diet. One decoction contains about 2 grams of calcium. You can dry the eggshell, blend it and add it to any dish, or even add it to your pet’s food.