9 Tricks Used by Experienced Housewives for Washing Clothes

Did you know that you have to combine the clothes according to the material and that there is a way to not magically lose your socks in the machine?

Washing clothes is one of the most tedious tasks in the household and you can not escape it. According to statistics, the average woman spends 17 minutes a day during her laundry life and laundry – related activities.

Tricks to make your job easier:

Regular cleaning of the washing machine

You must clean and disinfect the machine regularly if you want it to have a long service life.

Buy a special tool and remove harmful substances and bad smell from it.

Use canvas bags for socks

When washing, a sock often disappears. To avoid such “mysterious events”, put the socks of each member of the family in a special cloth bag and wash them that way.

Do not dry clothes

It is difficult to iron clothes that have dried longer than necessary. The fibers of the material bend and become more resistant to thermal effects. Sometimes not even a steam iron can fix the situation.

Use bleach, not white powder

Experienced housewives do not put powder on white clothes because it interferes with bleaching. It penetrates the clothes and does not allow the bleach to do its job perfectly.

Do not arrange the clothes according to the color, but according to the material

The exception to this rule is white clothes that are always washed separately. Also be careful when mixing different colors the temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. Otherwise heavier materials require a different treatment than cotton for example and that is why it is good to sort like this.

Remove make-up marks from clothes with shaving foam

Before putting such clothes in the machine, first apply shaving foam or lipstick on the stain to prevent the material from penetrating and leaving a stain.

Wash socks with cold water

Socks should not be washed in hot water because most of the dirt on them is of protein origin, such as sweat, and at high temperatures it will stay in them forever. Contrary to popular belief, washing socks at lower temperatures is better.

Remove stubborn stains with a hair dryer

To get rid of stains such as grass, earth, juice, first heat them with a hair dryer, then apply a small amount of detergent on the area. The high temperature will make the detergent work more efficiently.

Use dry towels to dry clothes faster

The clothes will dry faster if there are dry towels between the rows of freshly washed clothes, and if something is wet and you need it urgently, wrap it in a dry towel and put it in the machine just to twist. This will remove moisture residue.

Extra hints

*How not to wrinkle the clothes?

Put a few ice cubes in the clothes dryer and turn it on a medium program for about 15 minutes. The ice will melt and turn into steam that will neutralize all the folds of the clothes.

**The salt restores the faded color

Add 150 g of salt to the machine and wash the laundry in the usual way. This method restores the color of faded clothes, but also prevents other clothes from losing their original color. This is a completely safe method and you can use it every time you wash, but do not use coarse sea salt. In addition to color, salt will take care of stains, especially from sweat, mucus or blood.

***Blood stains are removed with hydrogen and pen stains with milk.