A Clever Wife Found Out her Husband is Lying – Genius

On a one sunny day, a husband called his wife to tell her that he has been invited to go fishing. He told his wife that he would be going fishing at a big lake up in Canada with several of his co-workers, his boss and some of his friends. He said to her that he will be gone for one week. He considered this a great opportunity to grab a hold of a new promotion that he has wanted for such a long time.

So, he asked his wife to pack him enough clothes for the entire week, and set it all out for him, along with his rod and his fishing box. He also said to her that they will all be leaving from the office and that on the way he will come home and take all the stuff that she prepares for him. At the end he asked her to please pack his new blue silk pajamas.

This was rather unexpected for the wife, so of course, she became a bit suspicious. She found it hard to believe this story of her husband’s. But anyway, she did as he asked, packing all of the things he needed. He came home, picked up the things and left for his fishing trip.

The wife waited patiently for seven days. After a week passed, she welcomed her husband home with open arms. She asked him how did his trip go and did he catch many fish. On that question he replied that he indeed caught many fish, he even counted – several blue gill, a couple of pike and plenty of walleye.
But then the husband asked his wife why didn’t she pack him the new blue silk pajamas like he asked her to, to which she had a very clever response. She answered that she did pack them, and that they were inside the fishing box.