A Mathematical Problem Solved Only by Those with High IQ

Do you like math? Do you want to solve math problems? Do you want to solve puzzles, brain teasers, etc.?

It is known that such logical tasks have many benefits for our brain and for our quality time spent. The health of our brain improves, our logical thinking increases, all the cells of our brain move, so we have more benefits from solving such and similar mathematical logic tasks. Sometimes such tasks create a serious problem to solve them, you may even get nervous because you can not come up with the right solution, but you still have to admit that they are fun and interesting for quality pastime.

Not everyone may like math, but such logical math problems are fun even for those for whom math is not their strong point. However, the importance of knowing the basic rules of mathematics is inevitable. This is because whether we like it or not, we face math every day. Is it in the market, is it shopping, this way or that way, we just have to use the math. We may not all be mathematical geniuses, but a basic knowledge of mathematics is enough to solve simple mathematical problems.

This mathematical equation is exactly like that. It does not require you to be a mathematical genius, but it does require you to engage in logical thinking, basic mathematical skills, and have fun solving it.

The mathematical equation is as follows:

24 ÷ 4 ( 8 ÷ 4 ) = ?

This mathematical equation has created a problem in solving many users of social networks. Will it create a problem for you too? Can you find the correct solution to this mathematical equation? This math task may seem complicated at first glance, but it really is not that complicated. Here is a hint from us. All you need to know is to follow the correct sequence of operations.

Did you manage to solve this math problem? If yes, congratulations you are a really good mathematician. Your IQ is really high. You are one of the few users who managed to come up with the right solution. Your math skills are great.



If the answer is no, see the correct answer below.

The solution to this math problem is in the order of operations BEDMAS ( B – brackets; E – exponents; D – division; M – multiplication; A – addition; S – subtraction ).

This in practice means that we first start with solving the bracketed portion:
( 8 ÷ 4 ) = 2

Next we solve the division 24 ÷ 4 = 6

Then we have multiplication 6 x 2 = 12.

Thus we come to the correct solution 12 of this mathematical equation.

We are sure that you solved such and similar mathematical problems in primary and secondary education. It would be good to remember how they are solved and from time to time to shake the brain with such and similar tasks.