A Simple Reflexology Trick for a Better Blood Circulation

Our feet do not only serve for grounding us to Earth, and helping us to move around. But if we learned something from the spa massages is that there are numerous massage points on them, ones, which if you get them right contribute to a total body relaxation and full health restoration.

Foot massages are actually the best self-care treatment one can grand himself with. And reflexology is actually a method, moreover a system of massage used to treat illness and relieve stress, by treating several reflex points on a person’s foot, hands and head, points that are actually linked to every major or minor part of the body.

The origins of reflexology

Foot massages which have a positive effect on one’s health were first introduced in ancient China and Egypt, from where they later spread during the Roman Empire. Yet, it was in the last hundred of years that doctors and therapists got to practice it. The reflexology method actually presents a special massage technique on the feet where particular acupressure points are pressed in order to treat diseases, maintain a proper function of the organs and overall health improvement.

Following are the most common benefits of reflexology on a person’s body

  • It lowers blood pressure;


  • Improves the blood circulation;


  • Relieves pain from every part of the body;


  • Lessens stiffness;


  • Boosts the metabolism;


  • Stimulates the muscles and nerves;


  • Normalizes every body function;


  • Reduces fatigue and stress;


  • Boosts the immune system;


  • Improves the function of the lymphatic system;


  • Contributes for a better throughout body energy flow;


  • Relieves headaches and migraines;


  • And contributes for a better night’s sleep;

Credits to: www.topenterprise.sg

Practice the below described foot massage steps every night before going to bed. This way you’ll contribute to all of the above mentioned health benefits to apply to your health too.


  • Start by washing your feet in warm water;


  • Take an essential oil, such as eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender or peppermint oil and add two drops in a lotion or use coconut or almond essential oil instead of a lotion for a healthier mixture. Apply some lotion on the hands and start with the massage.


  • Twist, squeeze and pull each of the toes, from the joint to the tip, starting with the largest one to the smallest one.


  • Review the reflexology chart provided and massage the soles of the feet with strong pressure using the thumbs as shown.


  • Proceed massaging the ankles, the Achilles area and the heels.


  • Don’t forget to massage the top of the feet too.


  • Repeat the same procedure on the other foot too, and voila, your massage is done.

Credits to: www.topenterprise.sg

For ultimate results, it’s recommendable to practice this foot massage every night. Give it a try, you’ll undoubtedly experience the amazing health benefits of it.