An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away – Learn about the many Health Benefits of Avocado

The avocado is one amazing fruit which is believed to have originated from Puebla, Mexico. The oldest evidence of avocado being grown as a plant date back from around 10 000 BC. It is classified in the same family as cinnamon and camphor and presents a large berry growing on a tree which can reach up to nearly two meters tall. It can ripen one to two weeks after being picked.

Rich with numerous vitamins and mineral this plant is believed to be one of the healthiest on Earth. Its value is rated so high on the nutritional scale thanks to the Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus and Zinc with which this plant abounds in. It also contains a high value of potassium, way higher than in banana. Compared to the levels of potassium found in a banana which are 10 percent, the percentage in avocado goes high up to 14 of the entire nutritional value.

The proven health benefits of avocado


  • Being rich in vitamin E, and foliate leads to protecting your organism of heart diseases and at the same time reduces the risks of heart attack. The monounsaturated fats and glutathione are also having a great role here in lowering the incidences of heart diseases;


  • Foliate on the other hand is quite essential and effective in the prevention of birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube defect;


  • Consuming avocados regularly help the body absorb the carotenoids such as beta carotene and lycopene five times more than usual;


  • Their nutritive effect works miracles in the eye health too, helping to protect against cataracts and muscular degeneration;


  • Since they are high in beta-sitosterol, it helps to lower the bad cholesterol by 22 percent and at the same time raises the good cholesterol by eleven percent.


  • It is as well recommended to consume for patients who have increased levels of triglycerides;


  • It even helps fight against obesity, potentially helping with weight loss, all thanks to the fact that is high in fiber which at the same time steadies blood sugar;


  • It helps in cleansing the intestines, relieving bad breath;


  • Glutathione, an antioxidant contained in avocados not only prevents from heart diseases, but slows the signs of aging and prevents of spreading cancer cells and defenses the organism of ones to appear;


  • The oleic acid in particular prevents from breast and prostate cancer and also seeks out cancerous cells in order to destroy them;


  • Taking regard that the environmental pollutants may toxify the blood resulting in changing the oxygen into free radicals, which later destroys our cells and DNA, it may have consequences in various chronic illnesses to appear. Several researchers have proven how the glutathione found in avocados can be absorbed into the mitochondria and later neutralize the free radicals.

I bet these are enough reasons and evidence of the miraculous effects avocado has on a person’s organism. Without doubt, an avocado a day keeps the doctor away! Scientists recommend this treatment in order to promote a healthier and happier you!