Are You a Math Wiz? Here’s a Math Problem that Will Pick Your Brain and Test Your Skills

How good are your math skills? Are you a born mathematician or your math skills are a bit rusty? Well, these days a math problem or rather an equation has been circulating around the net and got many people confused. Would you like to put your knowledge to the test and try and solve it?

The mathematical equation that’s got everyone scratching their heads

If we’re being honest, math is just not for everyone. We’re not all gifted with the necessary logical skills to crack codes and solve equations. Some prefer words to numbers and some just never got the hang of it. Be as it may, math is still a very important and useful skill that we all need to know, at least the basis of it. We all need to know how to solve some basic mathematic problems and if you’re a bit rusty, we’ll help you remember.

Unless you work in a field related to mathematics, you probably haven’t had to use your math skills in a while. Moreover, we all have calculators on our computers and smartphones that we use for basic calculations so we mostly use them for everything we need.

If you want to see where you’re at with your math skills and test your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll see a mathematical equation that’s got many people puzzled and struggling to get the answer right. Do you think you can get it?

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The right answer

So did you solve it? Did you get it right, what do you think?

We’ll tell you the right answer and then we’ll explain how we got it, in case you were wondering.

The right answer to this problem is 12.

What did you get?

If you got the wrong answer, you’ve probably forgotten all about the little rule we learned in grade school – BEDMAS which is short for brackets (B), exponents (E), division (D), multiplication (M), addition (A) and subtraction (S). Does it ring a bell?

Maybe you know it as the order of operations, but it’s basically the same thing. It refers to the order you need to follow to complete and correctly solve an equation.

In this particular problem we’ll start with the brackets first (8÷4) = 2.

Then we’ll go on to the other division which is 24÷4 = 6.

And finally we multiply the two numbers we got 6×2 and we get the final result, which is 12.

Now that you think about it, it’s pretty simple. All you needed to do is remember the BEDMAS and you would have gotten it right the first time. I’m sure you won’t forget it next time!