Are You Up for a Little Challenge? Solve This Simple Problem and Test Your Skills

Are you a fan of puzzles, mathematical problems and mind riddles? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will be able to test your memory, IQ, creativity, problem-solving skills and intelligence with the help of a few simple math problems. The problem we’ve got prepared for you today may seem a bit tricky, but I’m sure you’ll soon get the hang of it. The problem isn’t that hard, but it’s still challenging enough to keep you interested and kill your boredom. This simple problem will help you keep your brain sharp and you can even enjoy it with your family and friends. Make a bet to see how gets the right answer first and compare your results afterwards.

Here’s the problem, take a look and see if you can solve it:

You still struggling? How about a little hint?

Hint: 1+1+1+1+1+11+1+1+1+11+1+1+11+1=44


If you read the problem continuously you’ll see that the two ones will make 11.