Blood Clot Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

We’ve all heard about the dangers of blood clots, but do you know what it really is? A life-threatening condition that occurs due to a lump (or lumps) of coagulated blood in the blood vessels, blood clots is a problem that requires immediate medical attention.

In most cases, the clots appear due to pulmonary embolism. This is a condition in which bits and pieces detach from a bigger clot and travel to the lungs. In other cases, blood clots are a result of deep vein thrombosis where a clot forms right beneath the surface of the skin.

Whatever the reason for it, blood clots are a problem you shouldn’t ignore. The good news is that there are early symbols of blood clots you can learn to stop the problem before it puts your health in grave danger.

Unusual Warmth in the Area

Before a blood clot caused trouble, patients have reported unusual warmth in the area. The affected area may also be sore and itchy and can rarely be relieved by any medication or therapy. If you’re feeling that kind of warmth in your legs, you might want to get it checked by a doctor.

Pain and Swelling in the Legs

Pain and swelling in the legs are surefire signs of impending blood clot troubles. Blood clots usually form in the legs and cause swelling in the veins. This leads to pain and swelling that don’t go away for a long time. If you notice this symptom, it’s time to visit your doctor.

Shortness of Breath

While it is an unusual symptom for blood clots, shortness of breath usually occurs due to pulmonary embolism. This is a symptom that the condition is getting serious and you shouldn’t ignore it further. Delaying that doctor visit in this case can have fatal consequences.

Chest Pain

Chest pain is always a sign of concern, especially if paired with shortness of breath. This combo may indicate pulmonary embolism and can be fatal if left untreated. Don’t ignore it. While there’s a chance you have a problem with your sinuses, it’s best to get your chest pain checked by a medical professional.

Foot and Calf Pain

Another unusual symbol, pain in the foot and calves may occur due to improper blood flow to these areas. This can be caused by a blood clot in your legs and will result in major discomfort. In most cases, this symptom is caused by deep vein thrombosis.


While cramps are most often caused by lack of magnesium, they can also be caused by blood clots. If severe cramps become frequent, they may be a symptom of a possible blood clot that cuts proper blood flow to your legs. Get this checked by a doctor before it becomes too late.


Unusual coughs that occur out of the blue may also be a symptom of a blood clot. This is a sign that a smaller blood clot has formed in the lungs and is already causing trouble. If this symptom comes with too much mucus and coughing up blood, it’s a sign that you should head to the doctor’s office ASAP.


Blood clots are truly dangerous and not to be trifled with. They often have fatal or nearly fatal consequences that leave people disabled. Don’t ignore the signs on this list. Get them checked out by a doctor so you can catch the problem on time and treat it appropriately before it destroys your life.