Can Dementia and Memory Loss Be Reversed With a Diet Change?

In the case of 82-year-old Sylvia a sudden positive change occurred when she recovered her memory after many years suffering from dementia.

The health condition of Sylvia was very severe: due to the loss of her memory and parts of her mind, she could not recognize her son, she thought that her hospital room was a hotel room, and she even accused the nurse of trying to kidnap her.

After seeing her in this condition, her son decided that the medications solely will not do any better for Sylvia and after some time reading medical articles and researching, he decided that they could try with a simple alternative treatment – a change in her diet. He discovered that people living in the Mediterranean countries have lower rates of suffering from dementia, so he decided that they should copy their eating habits.

Sylvia started to eat foods that are known to improve the brain health. So at first she high amounts of walnuts and blueberries, so later she started to add other health foods to her menu such as green tea, oats, Brazil nuts, strawberries, sweet potatoes, dark chocolate with high cacoa percentage, kale, sunflower seeds, broccoli and spinach. More or less, the food that has the same form as the brain has very positive effects to the brain and its functions.

In addition to the diet change, Sylvia started to do some cognitive exercises like puzzles, cross words and jigsaws. After some time, Sylvia started to show improvement: while meeting people, she would use the pedaling device for her chair to fit it better. This was just the beginning of the improvement. Soon afterwards, she started to remember more, could remember the birthday dates of the closest family and she was more engaged and alert in communication with other people.

This case shows the positive impact of diet change and not considering that if certain diagnosis is given by the doctor, everything should stop there. There are many other ways and alternatives to be considered and applied, because the body has an amazing ability to heal, even more than anyone can believe.

Most of the diseases nowadays are related to the food we eat, meaning that these diseases could be reversed with a simple change of the proper diet. Despite the fact that some diseases develop due to genetic inheritance, but some may never develop despite carrying the gene, there are always things to do that can minimize the risk of never occurring or to minimize the symptoms.

In some of the recent medical studies, the relation between aluminum build up in the brain and dementia or Alzheimer’s disease was researched. The aluminum was identified as an important cause to these diseases and the limitation to its exposure can detoxify the brain and the whole body from the effects heavy metals do. In this study, it was also explained that the patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer in their late sixties have accumulated more aluminum in their brain tissue compared with their peers who do not have Alzheimer. Higher levels of aluminum were found in the brain tissue of patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer at earlier age, meaning the high exposure of aluminum in the environment or at the workplace cause people to present the symptoms of Alzheimer at earlier age, even in their fifties. This study is considered to be of high importance, because for the first time it established the connection between Alzheimer and the high level of aluminum in the brain tissue, which was the highest level measured and compared to other brain diseases.

To conclude the first and most important step towards change to people mindset and understanding is to raise awareness towards this disease. The real causes for the neurodegenerative brain disorders should be detected and prevention must be in place, in this particular case the exposure to aluminum and other heavy metals and chemicals that are known to be one of the possible causes for development of such disease. Therefore, this article and all related news should be shared with anyone who suffers from Alzheimer or dementia.