Dad Finds out his Child is a Bully sо he Shaves her Hair as Punishment

Peer violence or so-called bullying has been a major topic for many years for psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists, and it affects children the most because they are direct participants. The mental health of children is very fragile, and at the same time it is subject to any kind of force, abuse, threat, intimidation. Bullying represents all of these behaviors that can be of the social type, verbal type and physical type. With the development of modern technology, cyberbullying has become more frequent, which includes phones, e-mail, internet, social networks, etc. Bullying can occur during school or after school. Bullying is a characteristic pattern of hurting or humiliating others. This is a multiple procedure with the intention of causing harm to others who are less powerful. Reporting this problem in schools is done by teachers, psychologists, principals, and every psychologist is obliged to find a solution to the problem.

Dad finds out his child is a bully

This story was posted on Reddit by a father who found out that his daughter was bully. The father tells the story that he has a 16-year-old daughter, and he is divorced from his wife. It all started at school, where his daughter mocked a student who lost her hair from cancer treatment. His daughter probably had an argument with her classmate before, but her actions went so far as to take the wig off her classmate’s head. There were numerous insults and quarrels between the two girls after his daughter started dating a boyfriend. The father decides to take a drastic decision to punish his daughter. He gave his daughter two options, one of which was to shave her hair or take away all the technology she owned. The girl decided to shave her hair. The father thought that this was the punishment that his daughter should serve because of what she had done.

Did the father make the right decision?

What do you think about the punishment that the father devised to punish his daughter? Did he do the right thing? Did he go too far? On Reddit, the father was severely criticized because some thought his daughter was violent because he himself was violent. Others believe that the father abused his child. Most believe that his daughter will not learn much from this procedure, because they believe that the father should have taken a different approach and solved the problem in a different way, because in this way it is very likely that the cycle of bullying will continue.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that the father did the right thing? Or maybe he went too far? What would you do if you found yourself in such a situation? What are your methods for dealing with such an awkward situation? How would you teach your child a lesson? Share your thoughts with us, maybe you will help a parent who found himself in a similar or maybe the same situation.