Do You Drink Coffee? Have You Tried Dalgona Coffee?

I believe that we are all, more or less, coffee lovers. We consume it daily in smaller or larger quantities. We drink it in different ways, with or without milk, with or without sugar, big or small. Of course, we have heard many times that coffee can be harmful and should not be overdone, but now we have another side to it. In fact, it has been proven that coffee is not so bad and even has advantages.

Increases brain activity

It’s no secret that coffee can help you concentrate and speed up a person’s reaction. But coffee with sugar can make you a genius, because the combination of caffeine and glucose activates the desired areas in the brain. In any case, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, as the opposite effect may occur.

Increases the pressure

A cup of coffee can raise blood pressure which is great for those who have persistently low blood pressure. Of course, those suffering from high blood pressure and tachycardia should avoid it.

Strengthens immunity

Consumption of coffee reduces the risk of early death, but the optimal amount is 3 cups a day. This is because coffee changes the work of the immune system and makes it more active and healthy, and also strengthens the liver and heart. Try to drink natural and fresh coffee without many additives that are artificial.

Helps against headaches

The caffeine contained in natural coffee can help get rid of headaches and migraines. But that does not mean it is a complete substitute for analgesics.

It acts as an antidepressant and relieves stress

Stress relief depends on the release of dopamine and serotonin which cause good mood. Just a cup of coffee, and sometimes even its smell can help you relax. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and constant stimulation prevents it from depression. This effect is only possible with caffeine in coffee.

Improves memory

The same thing that helps to improve mood and concentration, also improves memory. Of course, we are talking about short-term memory. But it is still good, because all the information is stored in short-term memory and after 1 hour in ideal conditions, our knowledge turns into long-term memory.

Weight loss

Your dream seems to be becoming a reality, because coffee can help you lose weight. Low levels of the hormone leptin in the body lead to weight gain, and caffeine increases its concentration. Of course, this does not work as a diet, but it does help.

Have you heard of Dalgona coffee?
It is coffee, after which the whole world went crazy. This is a hit worldwide, with over 4 million views online. Few ingredients, but great enjoyment …

We use only instant coffee 2 teaspoons that are placed in a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of boiling water. Stir with a teaspoon. Now take a mixer and knead for about 5 minutes on high speed until you get a firm and thick mixture. This is enough for 2 cups. Pour milk into the glasses and put 2 full teaspoons of the prepared coffee cream. Serve with a spoon or straw to mix the ingredients.