Eye Test. Do You Really See as well as You Think You Do?

How good is your eyesight? How quickly and accurately can you notice faintly visible things? Do you rely on your eyes or more on your logic? Some people believe that they have great eyesight and that their attention to detail is always sharpened, but only a few of them can solve these puzzles in a few seconds.

Let’s see if you belong to that group of people!

  • Which shade of the boxes is lighter?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

Take a good look at all the boxes in the picture. Notice the colors and shades. Which of the boxes has the lightest shade? The answer is the first. The first box has the brightest shade.

  • Which shade of the boxes is lighter?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

The first test was easy, but let’s see if this one is easy to guess. Notice which box has the lightest shade. It’s hard isn’t it? An optical illusion occurs here because a color tinting tool is used.

However, box number 3 has the brightest shade.


  • Which line is longer?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

At first glance it seems that the line with number 2 is longer, but is it really so? Take a good look. Due to the angle from which the image is displayed, an optical illusion occurs again. In fact, both lines are the same length. Amazing, isn’t it?

  • What is the number on the picture?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

Take a good look at the picture, all the colors on it and try to see the number in the picture. The green-yellow colors of this picture make it difficult to see the number in this picture for those who have a vision problem, but for those who have excellent eyesight they will immediately notice the number 2.

  • What is the number on the picture?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

Another trick where colors make it difficult to detect the number in this picture. Also here if you have good eyesight you will immediately notice the number 8 in this picture.


  • Find a different animal!

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

In this picture you have to find the different animal in this picture. This is where your ability to spot details come into play, while testing your good eyesight. The answer is in the middle of the picture, where among all the teddy bears is a dog.

  • Can you spot the number engraved in the background?

Credits to: healthylifeboxx.com

This is a slightly more difficult task. Those people who have a problem such as astigmatism it will be very difficult for them to see the number. Were you able to see the number in this picture? Yes, that’s the number 571.

These eye tests are first of all for fun, but they can say something about your eyesight. How many of these tests did you manage to answer correctly? If your correct answers are less than 3, then you should visit an ophthalmologist soon. If your correct answers are 4 or you have all 7 correct answers, then congratulations, your vision is great.