How to Recognize Fake Friends?

In life we all meet real but also false friends. We can have 10 friends, but that does not mean that each of them is a true friend. How do we recognize the fake ones? These are the “friends” who only call you when they need you for something. They do not want to associate with you, they do not want any special communication with you, they do not care how you are, what you do. But when they need a favor, they know exactly who to turn to because you have always been “such a good friend.” With such friends, you need to stop being so kind because those people do not deserve your friendship.

Here’s how to recognize fake friends.

  • Fake friends look for an excuse when you ask them for help

When you need a favor, your fake friend will immediately come up with more excuses for not being able to help you, even if he or she can help you, he or she just doesn’t want to.
A true friend will always help you, without asking questions. It is enough to call a real friend, he will be by your side immediately when you need him.

  • A fake friend will call you only when he or she needs something

Fake friends will not ask you to ask how you are, if you need something or if you are good. They will only look for you when they need your help.

You can always expect this answer from true friends: “I will help you, do not worry”, these are the words you want to hear from friends when you are in trouble. Friendship is based on mutual trust, not only when one benefits from it.

  • False friends do not understand what you mean

Often you will not find common ground with false friends. False friends from what you tell them will often not understand the essence, they will not even try to understand you. You will not hear words of support from them, nor will they say that you are right and they will not give you well-meaning advice.

True friends are not the ones who will tell you that you are right, even when you are not. But those who will know how to tell you realistically when you are wrong and advise you about it. True friends will understand you and support you in good times and bad.

  • False friends insult you in front of other people

False friends will insult you for certain opinions and attitudes in front of other people. When you are in a situation where someone insults or criticizes you, they will not take your side. False friends will embarrass you in front of other people and use all the secrets you have told them against you.
True friends will unconditionally be on your side. When one of the other people criticizes you, they will not stand aside, but will oppose and defend you. They will not allow anyone to say bad things about you. True friends will never let you feel ashamed in front of them, they will even try to cheer you up, even if they have to they will do the same nonsense so that you do not feel lonely.

  • False friends like to gossip

False friends will gossip about all the famous and unknown people in front of you. They will have something bad to say about everyone. So it should be clear to you that they are saying the same thing in front of other people about you.

True friends will never gossip about you in front of others. Your enemies will be their enemies. And here there is nothing to discuss.

You do not need fake friends in life. You can have many friends, but only a few of them will be real and lifelong. Keep true friendships, nurture them, strive for them, do not let to lose them. Although few, they are valuable. Better a few real friendships, then many fake friendships. You can simply delete these others from your life. It’s not worth spending a single minute of your precious time on them.

These are the most common examples of how false friends behave. The next time you meet someone with these qualities you can be sure that they are fake friends.