People who Swear a Lot Make Better Friendships

If you have noticed that swearing comes out of your mouth very often, this latest discovery might interest you. According to research, people who swear a lot have one common positive trait: They are honest or at least more honest than people who do not swear a lot. Who would say that bad language hides something so positive under the surface ?!

Of course swearing sometimes crosses boundaries in certain situations depending on your professional and private life. You can even be punished for it. However, people have the right to free expression and swear for various reasons. Maybe you swear out of habit, you want to provoke a certain reaction, to express a feeling or you just like that way of communication. Whatever the reason, scientists and psychologists have long wondered what people who swear so much have in common, and now they have finally made the desired discovery.

As already mentioned, the latest research has found that people who swear a lot are honest. People who swear often do not tell as many lies in everyday communication and socialization as people who do not swear. In fact, research suggests that people whose speech is “enriched” by swearing are more moral and honest.

This research entitled “ Frankly, we do give a damn: The relationship between profanity and honesty “analyzed respondents from three different perspectives to gather enough data. First, researchers examined vulgar behavior and lying in the laboratory. They then conducted a linguistic analysis of authentic real life Facebook interactions. Finally, the researchers analyzed the indices of vulgarity and integrity of the entire population in the United States, that is, they compared the answers of their respondents with the answers of the general masses.

The results confirmed that those who swear are sincere and honest. But why? What does all this mean? According to research, people who swear a lot use bad words to express their sincere feelings, whether they are positive or negative. This means that people who swear do not pay attention to speech, that is, they do not have the ability to lie and hide their true thoughts and feelings. If you find yourself in this, surely the people around you have repeatedly told you that you are brutally honest and direct.

But this research is only one part of a wide range of such studies. For example, researchers at a college in Massachusetts examined the link between swearing and vocabulary. You may think that people swear because they do not have a rich vocabulary. These researchers refute this claim because, according to their findings, people who swear a lot actually have exceptional speaking skills.

Scientists have also found that people who swear a lot have a higher pain tolerance threshold than those who do not. In addition, people who swear are considered strong and self-confident.
Psychologists have also found that people who swear often find it much easier to get along with others. Therefore, if you and your friends swear from morning till night and you feel good about it, swearing may help you to get closer.

This habit does not seem to be as bad as it seems, but it does not mean that you should swear in every possible situation. Of course you should avoid this way of speaking when its use is inappropriate and could lead to trouble. Despite the sincerity of those people who swear, you will not be comfortable swearing at your boss in front of your boss, your boss and so on. Unpleasant situations of this type should be avoided and care should be taken in the expression and use of inappropriate words in the vocabulary of swearers.