Personal Hygiene – What is it? Personal Hygiene Rules

Everyone grows up and lives in a society in which personal hygiene norms are generally accepted. So, just as there are rules of conduct, there are rules of ethics, so there are rules of personal hygiene. The rules of personal hygiene that should be followed and practiced by each individual, help to strengthen and maintain their health.

What is personal hygiene?

For centuries, people have valued and interpreted the habits of life according to the time and type of social regime in which they find themselves. Since ancient times, the Egyptian, Roman, and Greek communities have maintained and been familiar with certain rules of personal hygiene, and have generally been associated with bathing, hand washing, and hair. Personal hygiene is one of the ways we can all maintain good health. We need to pay attention to the body odors that our body emits, which can tell us a lot about the health of our body. If proper personal hygiene is maintained and at the same time maintained at an adequate level, it is possible to maintain almost perfect control of bacteria. Bacteria generally tend to coexist with humans all over the skin. So periodic washing of the places that are in greater contact with the external environment, with the places that most often become a source of odors or other infections, are the ways we can protect the skin, and also get rid of all the bacteria that generally inhabit our skin. Thus, periodic washing of the whole body is essential and fundamental in maintaining optimal health. It is good to pay special attention to the hands, as well as to areas where there is a large amount of hair or where there is generally intense sweating. Additionally, another extremely important for the maintenance of personal hygiene are the anal and genital area, which are necessary for good health care and protection from getting infections.

The body and the places that produce the greatest amount of sweat

The area that has the highest production of sweat is the armpits, so it is recommended to wash with plenty of soap and water. Additionally in hygiene and prevention of unpleasant odor from them is the use of deodorants. Changing and changing clothes periodically is also a habit that will help maintain a healthy and normal body odor. Constantly changing, washing clothes and storing clothes in a clean environment. However, excessive washing should not be excessive, as this can cause loss of oily skin which acts as a protection, as well as lead to the elimination of all microbes that are on the skin as well as in the mucosa. If this happens, the skin will result in injuries and infections.

Concept for personal hygiene

As an important task of the educational process is the formation of personal hygiene habits among students. Personal hygiene is defined as a set of measures that must be fulfilled individually, in order to achieve and maintain a healthy physical condition of an individual. The actions that need to be taken to achieve personal hygiene tend to include them in the systematic practice of hygiene measures, which should always be applied in order to maintain the excellent health of an individual.

Hygienic purposes

Maintaining and practicing healthy personal hygiene habits aim to preserve and prevent infections and diseases, and at the same time affect the improvement of a person’s health. Hygiene involves methods that people use to keep themselves clean, such as using soap, shampoo and water as essential ingredients. In addition, the use of deodorants against sweating is also of great importance, regular showering, bathing, etc. Personal hygiene includes personal rules that each person implements in order to have good health and social status. Cleanliness of the body and overall health consists of: skin care, prevention of unpleasant odors with the help of deodorants and armpit care, hand care, hair care, oral and dental care. The face, hair and clothes should always be neat and clean.