Puzzle: In What Order Should the Vehicles at This Intersection Move?

Are you an active driver? Do you know enough about traffic rules and traffic signs? Do you consider yourself a good driver? Let’s test your knowledge of traffic rules.

The picture below shows a traffic situation. At this intersection, as we can see, there are no traffic lights. But that is why traffic is regulated by traffic signs. There is a scooter, a tram and a car at the crossroads. The tram and the car are moving straight. The scooter is turned to the left. The question is: In what order should the vehicles move? Who has the advantage at this intersection? Who should pass second? And who should cross this intersection last?
We will offer you some of possible correct answers:

Scooter – tram – car

Scooter – car – tram

Tram – scooter – car

Tram – car – scooter

Car – tram – scooter

Car – scooter – tram.

It’s your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

Did you manage? Did you manage to find the right schedule. If yes, congratulations, you are a great driver who knows the traffic rules and traffic signs well. Even though there are no traffic lights at this intersection, you will know how to navigate and you will know who has the advantage of moving. You are a responsible driver.

If you failed to find the correct order of movement of the vehicles, we will reveal the answer.

The correct order of movement of vehicles is as follows: car – scooter – tram. Why? The explanation is as follows. Each sign has its own meaning. There is a traffic sign on the side of the car which indicates that it is passing on a road that has the advantage of movement. So he has to cross this intersection first. Next, the scooter also has a sign indicating that it is passing on a road that has the advantage of moving, but since it is not going straight ahead, it has to wait for the car and then turn left. In the end, the tram should cross this intersection last, because there is a sign that indicates that you are crossing a road with a passing priority, so the tram should cross this intersection after the car and the scooter have passed.

If you have forgotten these traffic signs, we have taught you a small lesson about their meaning. But if you do not know their meaning yourself, we suggest that you remind them of their meaning and learn them by heart. Because if there are more drivers who have little or no knowledge of traffic signs, they become a danger to all other traffic participants. This is how traffic accidents occur, which no one wants to happen. So be a responsible participant in traffic and learn the meaning of each traffic sign. It will be of great importance to you when you find yourself in such a real traffic situation, both for you and for the other participants in the traffic.