Can You Solve These Tricky Math Problems?

Social media users have gone crazy after solving this mathematical problem. Why? Although it seems like a simple math problem, believe it or not this math problem has two correct solutions according the social media users. If we know that mathematics is a science that is exact with only one correct solution to each task, …

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Math Test: What is the Correct Solution?

Maybe not everyone was crazy about math in elementary and high school. Maybe you had bad grades, and maybe you were one of those people who excelled in math. However, this is not a classic math task like those in primary and secondary education. This is a task that will definitely bother you a little …

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How Much Hours of Sleep Do you Really Need

The National Sleep Foundation is giving the information of how much sleep does a person need, according to their age. Getting some rest and a good night of sleep is what we all need in order to maintain the focus and the health of the body, so it is of utmost importance that all of …

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7 Health Problems Hidden Under Nail Polish

Nails indicate a person who takes care of himself, so you should always pay attention to them if you want to look meticulous and tidy. They know how to say much more than they need a new manicure, in fact they are a package full of information about your health. Any change in the nail …

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7 Signs You Grew Up in a Toxic Family

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to keep your marriage secure and all those positive intentions to stay happy, the relationship can be toxic and damaging. A situation that could get to the point where a bad marriage manages and makes children the victims in the most traumatic way, which can later lead to …

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