This Home Stays Warm All Year Round. Find out how!

Everyone wants to have a warm home in the cold winter days. But how ideal would it be to have a warm home all year round?

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Marie Granmar, Charles Sacilotto, and their young son live in Stockholm, Sweden, in a home like this. The couple built a home in Sweden that stays warm all year round. This design was inspired by Swedish eco-architect Bengt Warne. This house is also called a greenhouse. This house is heated on the principle that sunlight through the glass heats the home throughout the day, and the remaining heat remains at the base of the house. On the roof they have a balcony in which they can enjoy the summer period, such as sunbathing, swimming in the pool and so on. Mounting the glass around the entire house was an investment that cost the couple $ 84,000.

It is interesting that the heat in the house, in the cold winter days, when the temperature drops below 0, the temperature in the house reaches 15-20 degrees. It is a great and quite pleasant temperature for that period of the year. Otherwise, when the outside temperature drops to much lower temperatures, this house must still use some of the traditional ways of heating, such as heating the air conditioner or heating the house with wood heaters and the like. However, the heaters in this greenhouse are used much less than standard living homes.

Also, this house uses the water that comes from the rains to the maximum. Namely, this family collects rainwater to water the plants, and they use the rainwater also for household needs. Also the sewerage system in this home has a modern and advanced system. How does it function? This system starts from the toilet where it separates the urine and uses various and numerous centrifuges and cisterns to filter the water and compost the waste. This house aims to bring nature closer to the family that lives in it, ie to create a pleasant life, using the benefits we receive from nature such as water and sun.

In this greenhouse, eco home or whatever you want to call it, this family also grows its own vegetables and fruits. Given that the weather in Sweden is quite cold, many of these products would not be able to grow in normal conditions, but because of the excellent conditions offered by this house, this family grows tomatoes, cucumbers, figs, grapes and various herbs. On the other hand, this family saves a solid amount of money by using solar energy.

Many people wonder how safe it is to live in a house like this, what if the glass is broken. But the designer explains that this house is extremely safe for living, because in general the glass can not be broken, but if that happens, the glass would break into small pieces and it would not harm anyone. The original idea of ​​this family was not to build such a house to live in, but to use it as a summer house. But then their idea changed and they built this greenhouse, with a large space for growing a variety of vegetables and fruits. Their greenhouse has 200 square meters.

As soon as this house reaches a high temperature, what happens in the summer?

The main drawback of this house is that during the summer the internal temperature reaches 40 degrees. But the designer of the house also thought about this, so he created an opening on the roof so that the temperature could be regulated more easily.