Vision Test: What Number is in the Photo?

Today, there are many appliances around us. We look at our computers and mobile phones every day and of course it affects our eyesight. How many people feel tingling in the eyes at the end of the day, or have blurred vision and dry eyes? All of these symptoms may indicate an ophthalmic problem.

There are a number of visual impairments: color blindness, nearsightedness and farsightedness and astigmatism are the most common problems. Sometimes people do not even know they have these problems – they just think that everyone sees it that way.

Is your vision good or do you have a vision problem? With the help of solving such and similar tests you could quickly and easily find out if you have any potential vision problems, as well as if you see well near or far.

We have prepared another test that will help you find out what your visual abilities are and if you may have any vision problems. This test is simple. It will not bother you much. All you have to do is look at the picture and find out what number is hidden there. Only 20% of people can see the number behind the image. Are you one of them?

This picture hides the number 4.

You do not need to worry about your eyes if you just failed this test. If it often happens that you can not see something that is near you, if you can not read the small letters, if you can not recognize a certain color, if it often happens that you see blurred then you should visit your ophthalmologist. These symptoms can be a clear indication that something is wrong with your eyes.
You can do small tests for your eyesight at home.

How to check if you have myopia?

To perform this test successfully, you must set the appropriate screen distance… 2.20 meters for a 20-inch screen; 1.50 meters for 17-inch screen; 1 meter for 15-inch screen; 75 cm for 14-inch screen.

Look at two pictures that are different colors, for example green and red and that have a number on them, for example 0. Cover one eye with your hand without pressing on the lid and start observing these two zeros and colors , then change the other eye and do the test again. What do they look like to you? Do you see one zero more clearly or darker than the other? Your vision is impaired if you see zero more clearly or darker in one of these two colors. Generally, if you see it darker and clearer in the red, you probably have myopia or a tendency to myopia. This means that your eye is not able to focus on an object that is farther away from you, but if that object is nearby, you see it sharply.

Do you have color blindness?

What is color blindness? People who are not able to distinguish red, blue and green are those who suffer from color blindness. Look at an illustration that has different colors and try to name them all. If you fail to recognize any of them, it is very possible that you will suffer from color blindness.