What do You See in the Picture First? Find Out What That Means for You!

The subconscious can say a lot about your character and personality, much more than you can imagine. All thoughts, fears, beliefs, memories, skills, everything you have seen, felt, loved or hated are “stored” in the subconscious. What is interesting is that the subconscious is directly related to conscious behavior, although you may not notice it, so for example, your eyes see the whole picture, and the brain selects the first thing from the picture that suits your character. So, with this test you can discover something interesting for yourself in a fun and interesting way.


Look at the picture and answer the question: What did you first notice in this picture?


Older woman’s face in the background.


If you first notice the face of the old woman in the background, it says that you are a man with many faces. They would be a good philosopher during the Renaissance. You can handle every situation, you know how to successfully manipulate people. That’s why people around you are cautious when it comes to you. Coping with difficult situations is your specialty, you can handle anything and everyone.


Frozen mountain top


If you first notice the frozen mountain top, it tells you that you are a gullible person. Your kindness and naivety are what describe you. They may be considered like qualities, but still in this cruel and volatile world they are flaws. You are often abused for your kindness, which is used by more dominant people. They try to take advantage of you and know that you will not rebel against it, but that you will accept it, not noticing the pitfalls they set behind you because of your naivety. Still, that should not discourage you. You have good qualities that every person should have and you will meet people who will know how to appreciate them. Try to be surrounded by them, and leave the first ones behind.


Soldiers and horses


If you first notice the soldiers and horses, it tells you that you are a person who does not allow himself to be easily deceived, even though it happens sometimes. Your courage and self-confidence are your qualities that you possess. You have your attitudes and you stick to them. You know sometimes to failed to face some challenges and negative situations, but still stay focused on the future and work towards achieving your goals. That way you will succeed both in terms of work and in terms of relationships in every field.