What to Do If You Get In Close Contact with a Dangerous Animal or Insect?

Each of us has ever had close contact with a dangerous animal. They are part of nature and our environment, so those encounters are normal. The truth is that most of the time they are more afraid of us than we are of them. It is normal for them to want to attack us if we are in their environment and if they feel threatened by us. After all, it is their natural instinct to defend themselves from predators. What should we do when we come in close contact with a dangerous animal? Should we attack immediately or defend ourselves?


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Snakes are scary and do not attack for no reason, unless they are endangered. If you see a snake, just pull away, it will run away quickly. There is no need to hit or kill her. But what if it is not possible to escape and she bites you? It is best to seek medical attention immediately, as we know that there are venomous snakes. If you can not seek medical help, you can help yourself. Do not panic, you need to stay calm and not move, because that way the poison will spread faster through your body. It is best to tighten the area where the bite is with a cloth or something like that to stop the expansion of circulation. You should seek help immediately and go to a medical facility.


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Sharks are present in the waters of every ocean, and we humans love to swim in the oceans, so our close encounter with sharks is more than possible. People see sharks as a threat, but in fact it is the other way around. About 100 million sharks are killed each year by fishermen who hunt them. But there is still fear in humans, as well as encounters with sharks that are inevitable. It is best to avoid urinating in the water while swimming because the smell attracts them. Also if you are bleeding avoid swimming, the reason is obvious right? If you happen to come in close contact with a shark, it would be best to swing to the shark’s sensitive area – these are the eyes. But we hope that you will not come to such a close meeting.


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Jellyfish have tiny cells that contain a substance that causes burning to stun or paralyze their prey before they eat it. Jellyfish acid can cause great pain in the human body and can sometimes be very dangerous. But they do not attack people on purpose, but mostly when a person inadvertently touches a jellyfish, they sting him in self-defense. The first thing that comes to mind if you get a jellyfish sting is to urinate on the spot. However, it is not effective at all. In this case, it is best to wash with sea water or vinegar.


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Bees are insects that are of great benefit to us, but also to the whole of nature. They do a great job for plants and the ecosystem, that is, they help the process of reproduction in plants. However, especially in the summer, bees often know how to sting us. Stings can be really painful, uncomfortable and cause swelling at the site. In most cases, people leave the wound to heal for a few days. If you are allergic to bees, anaphylactic shock is possible, which is a life-threatening condition, so you should see a doctor immediately. In other situations, ice, essential oil or apple cider vinegar may be helpful.