When she is Gone you will Realize your Mom was your One True Friend

There is no greater sacrifice in the world than what our mother makes for us. In fact, she is the best woman in our lives. She is our guide, teacher, and responsible for what we are today. Whether we are sad or happy, she is always by our side, giving us unconditional love. The mother is the one who gave birth to us, who carried us for 9 months in her womb, who fed us, who raised us, who supported and loved us with all her being even when we were the worst. No matter how much we resent, quarrel or keep silent with our mother, the nervousness and anger always pass for a short time, and the silence turns into a hug and tears of joy, because we realize how happy we are to have her by our side.

Babies are naturally connected to their mothers from birth. When they grow into young boys or girls too. Later in life there is a growing connection. When we are teenagers we often do not know how to share happiness or sorrow with our mother. In that period, our friends are the ones to whom we tell the deepest secrets and all the moments that happen to us. Somehow we leave mothers aside at that period of our lives, thinking that they should not know everything about us. But soon after, when we become older people, we realize that in fact there is no bigger and better friend than her. The mother will be here at all times to listen to us when it is most difficult for us and when it is best for us. We will want to share every experience with her. We realize that she is actually our best friend.

When you find yourself in a situation where you do not know how to deal with it, the mother is the one who will always give you honest advice, compliment or even sharper criticism. The mother is the one who will defend you alone even if the whole world turns against you. The mother is the one who will always give you a hand when you fall, instead of pushing you even harder towards the bottom. The mother is the one who takes care of you all her life, even after you grow up, you will always be a child for her.

The mother is the one who always puts your needs before hers, the one who will always give up something because of you, the one who will give you everything and will not regret it. The one who will unconditionally support you, the one who will know how to scold you when you make a mistake, but also the one who will reward or encourage you when you do a good job.

Never underestimate its greatness. She does everything for you and does not expect anything in return. Never underestimate its value. Do not underestimate her while she is alive and while you can hug her, because one day you will regret it a lot when she is not alive. Appreciate her while you have her alive, because she is one and only. Original. There is no other. Mother, woman, queen!!!