When you Stop Eating White Bread, these Three Changes Occur in the Body

Most often in our environment, and in the world in general, when the term “healthy diet” is mentioned, people immediately think of some special foods that are prepared in a special way, and the cost is high. But the exact opposite is the case. Healthy food is simple, easy to prepare and consume, and it is also cheaper. The problem is the habit, and most people have a habit of consuming unhealthy food. This is the case due to lack of information, but the intense taste characteristics of this food also play a big role, which actually makes the unhealthy habit very difficult to change. What is considered unhealthy food, usually highly processed food, rich in saturated fats, refined sugars, salts and various additives, can be said to be extremely new in terms of human evolution. This food is experiencing a “boom” in the last few decades, and in our country even sooner.

Bread is a bomb for the body, and today it comes in different sizes, but we still get the same effect from it, and that is obesity and difficult digestion. White bread is made from whole grains. The process of producing the flour from which the bread is made, the wheat husk is removed and only the endosperm is left which is quite rich in starch. In this way, the bread gets a better structure and longer shelf life, and with the addition of special additives, a better taste is obtained compared to black bread. During this process, wheat grain loses most of its micronutrients, but also the fiber content. What remains is easily digestible carbohydrates. White bread additionally contains amounts of salt, sugar and even fat. This type of bread contributes to the sudden rise in blood sugar, which causes a feeling of hunger even when you are not really hungry. In the long run, such cycles lead to weight gain. Consequent weight gain is also a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, but also for some other diseases.

What would happen if we stopped eating white bread and pastries?

1. You will not be constantly hungry

Processed carbohydrates in white bread cause blood sugar to rise, which then drops rapidly. So these phenomena send vague signals that increase the feeling of hunger even though you have consumed a meal very quickly before. That way you gain weight.

2. You will lose a few pounds caused by water deposition

As already mentioned, bread is rich in carbohydrates, and the sudden removal of them from your body, will contribute to weight loss. However, this is not a way to lose weight instantly, but to release the excess water that has accumulated in your body. Each gram of carbohydrate retained in the body binds to 3 to 4 times more water than its weight.

3. Your energy will rise and your digestive system will improve

As mentioned earlier, white bread does not contain the fiber necessary for normal bowel function. Therefore, if you try to eliminate white bread from your diet, your digestive system will start functioning normally. Carbohydrates are food for the brain. However, there are healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates, so if you eat quality carbohydrates, your brain will work much faster, but if the carbohydrates are unhealthy, your brain will react slowly. As a consequence, the feeling of fatigue appears.