5 Simple Habits That Reveal Your Personality

When it comes to the simple things in life, we all have our quirks, but the question here is, can all of those little habits that we have in our lives make us unique and offer an insight in our personality? Of course they can!

It is known that not everyone see the world in the same way. This is why we all have our own system of beliefs and tenets, and we stick to them even though some other people try to convince us to believe in their beliefs. This all counts when we are talking about the way we approach even the simplest tasks. For an example, some people may find it strange if you get angry when everything is out of its place. But, this makes perfect sense to you. Maybe the order makes you feel comfortable, and the mess is something you find distractful.

There are plenty of other examples that we can bring to your attention, and here is a small list of five things that can say about you a lot more than you imagine! You will even might want to keep some of them a secret!

  • Eating habits can show how a person approaches life – those who eat slow are confident, appeciative, level headed and are often sad and with low levels of energy. On the other hand, those who consume their food fast are energetic, goal oriented and ambitious. They can also be impatient and ill tempered. The picky eaters are oriented toward details, seek sensations, but at the same time they are neurotic and anxious. We also have the isolationists, that eat one thing at a time, and they tend to be detail oriented, but also very stubborn. Finally, we have the adventurous eaters, who always seek out new things to try. They are people that take risks, arenaline junkies, but can also be very pushy.

The next time someone looks at you weird only because of your eating habits, remember that it is just one of those things that make you unique.

  • How do you email – extrovert or narcissist? – the content of the emails you send can show a lot of personality traits. Extroverts usually have a tendency to open up fun subjects in their emais, and they love sharing experiences from their personal lives. The narcissists on the other hand, tend to include I, Me or Mine in their emails more than often. They have significantly lower emotioal intelligence and commonly use a controlling language.

We hope that we have given you an insight on what makes your co-workers or superiors tick.

  • How different personalities view punctuality in a different way – there have been plenty of researches that found out the punctuality is based on the personality of an individual. There are Type A personalities, that are always on time and they usually get more aggressive and tenacious. The Type B personalities don’t always show up on time, and they are more relaxed and chill.
  • There is a link between being phone addicted and being emotionally stabile – it has been proven by several studies that peple who are addicted to their phones have displayed less stability on an emotional level, rather to those who were not addicted to their phones. This is why we urge you to leave your phone to rest as often as you can.
  • The toilet paper issue – are you submissive or dominant? – this is quite an old question, but let us revise it – how to you put your toilet paper in the holder, does the loose sheet hang over or under the roll? It is certain that you have a preference, and that will give you an insight on your personality too! There have been researches and findings that show how people who put the loose sheet over the toilet paper are more dominant, and those who put it under the toilet roll are more submissive.

There are the querks that define who we actually are. The uniqueness on one hand, defines us, but on the other hand, makes the world much more interesting to live in.