Extending Human Life with Technology

Eternal life and immortality have always inspired man to strive to achieve them through medicine and science. Modern society, as never before, nurtures the passion to achieve the longest and most vital life possible. Such efforts bear fruit, so human life from year to year increases and gains in quality. The perception of how old …

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Cannibalism or Not – Scientists Make Meat from Human Cells

Cannibalism is the feeding of animals of the same species. But this phenomenon also occurs in humans and is called a disease, and is known as necrophagy – eating a corpse. If we look through history there is some information that cannibalism has existed in the past. The discoverers of America were the first Europeans …

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Did Neil Armstrong Really Step on the Moon?

The greatest event in the history of mankind Image via thepremierdaily.com “This is a small step for man, but a big one for humanity” is perhaps the most famous sentence we have ever heard since the distant 1969. This is the sentence that Neil Armstrong said when he stepped on the moon on July 21, …

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Can you Recognize These Objects? Do you Know what they are For?

Credits to: tiffytaffy.com There are many old items that, although old, look quite interesting and fun. Unlike all the technology that exists today and can not be compared with objects that existed in the past, yet at that time these objects were quite ingenious. Some people who found some items shared them online, and rarely …

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The Rise of Robots – From Machines to Male Lovers

You have probably all heard of female lovers, ie the dolls that fulfill the sexual fantasies of men. Dolls in various shapes and functions have existed since the distant 1968. Over time, their evolution has become more advanced and sophisticated, they come in various physical sizes, with different skin color, hair color, eyes, nose, mouth, …

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