Have you Ever Seen an Owl Running?

The owl is a nocturnal bird that is characterized by its large head relative to its body, a bird with large eyes and a wide round face. The owl is a bird of prey that usually hunts at night, due to its perfect sight, hearing as well as its noisy flight. Native American tribes believed …

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Eye Test: How Many Animals Can You See in This Picture?

Everyday life nowadays of each of us comes down to looking at computers and mobile phones which negatively affect our eyesight. How many of you experience eye stinging at the end of the day or have blurred vision and dry eyes? All of these symptoms indicate ophthalmic problems. There are also a number of visual …

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What It Looks Like When a Hunter Becomes a Prey?

Every person in his life has a certain passion for something. For some it is a passion to watch football or basketball, any other sport, for some it is art, for some it is a passion for dance, for some it is animal hunting. There are people with different views on life and some of …

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Can Dogs Recognize Bad People ?!

Dogs are considered to be exclusively interactive and social creatures who are at the same time the best friend of their owner. They are considered a member of the foster family. People usually consider them their own children. People become attached to their pet and their relationship becomes quite strong. Dogs have their own way …

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The Perfect Killer in the World of Insects

In every species of insect there are highly ranked predators. Among mammals, there are lions and sharks, which are considered to be the highest ranked predators. When it comes to insects, they are amateurs compared to the superior insect hunter. Introducing the Dragonfly – an efficient killing machine, made directly from nature itself. The dragonfly …

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Meet Shiro – The Most Relaxed Cat on Earth

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, the cat is an animal with a positive aura. She takes under her protection not only her owner, but the whole family she lives with, the home and the surroundings. Do not think that the cat only bothers you if it spins around you. With this she shares with you …

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