Do You Have a Teenage Daughter? Here are Some Advice How to Deal with Her.

It is known that adolescence is a complicated period in the life of girls. For parents, it’s literally a test of endurance and patience. That hormonal change that happens to girls drives all parents crazy. Whatever you do is not good enough. Whatever you buy her for present, you have the answer: “Dad, Mom, I’m no longer a child.” She does not want to eat home – made food, she likes fast food, but she has gained a few extra pounds, her make-up was worn out, her younger brother destroyed her favorite T – shirt, God new pimple it came out on her face just before she went out on Saturday night – madness around the house . You know this, don’t you?

No matter how hard you try to please her, you feel that nothing you do is good enough. You always come across criticism or resentment. What if you no longer know how to help yourself? Here are some tips on how to deal with your teenage daughter.

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  • Tolerate the fact that she is self – centered

During this period it is known that teenage girls are self-oriented and nothing else matters to them. They are in a world where they think everything revolves around them. And it’s a period in which you have to tolerate her behavior, no matter how much you dislike it. They generally do not understand your views and prohibitions on certain things and will never understand why you have trouble buying them another piece of clothing or new high heels. They think it’s their basic need and you have to deal with it. Think of this as a passing moment in her life and wait for it to pass.

  • Stay calm when she pushes your buttons

Be prepared that he will constantly test you and test your patience. It will often push you to the bottom and you have to deal with it. Learn to control yourself in such situations, stay calm and solve the problem with small punishments that will make her correct her mistake. Do not use force or hysterical shouting, as this will have a counter effect. Try to reach an agreement with a calm conversation.

  • Let her learn from difficult situations

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It’s normal for you like her parent to want to jump right in when she gets stuck somewhere to help her solve something. But that is not the right way. You need to let her cope with the difficulties and learn how to deal with them on her own. In this way she will learn to take responsibility for her activities, she will learn to face the consequences and will learn to deal with the difficulties that life will bring her.

  • Don’t be her buddy

Often parents want to be parents and friends with their children at the same time. However, this may not be the case in practice. You just have to know who the parent is and who the child is. This does not mean that you as a parent should constantly act as a tutor or constantly terrorize your child with orders and rules. But you still can’t be her buddy. She has enough friends with whom she can spend time, and your task as her parent is to guide her to the right path in life. This will give you respect and authority over your child.

  • Ignore the eye roll

This rolling of the eyes will become your daily routine. Learn to ignore it and not worry about it. You will get a roll of your eyes for everything you say, for example throwing trash, going to the market or any daily obligation. Maybe at some point you should explain to her that it is wrong to roll her eyes, because that is not a characteristic of a young well-mannered person like her.

  • Be careful when discussing her friends

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Teenagers generally do not want to give opinions about their friends. They think that they are the best friends in the world and they do not care at all if you think that they have a bad influence on them or that they are not real friends. Be careful when you want to warn her about one of her friends, choose carefully what words you will use to tell her your advice, and do not get into an argument.

  • Acknowledge your own bad behavior

You need to know how to admit your mistakes. If you have made a mistake, apologize to your daughter. In this way you will teach your daughter that every human being makes mistakes, that it is normal because no one is sinless, but that mistakes should be acknowledged and corrected if possible or not repeated in the future.