Study Reveals that your Partner Finds you Most Attractive When you Do this

Keeping the love and lust alive after being married for a long period of time can often be a great challenge. A recent study has concluded that the secret of a successful marriage is far simpler than putting more thought into your appearance, maintaining the things interesting in your bedroom, or having creative ideas when you are going on dates. According to YourTango “Happy, Healthy Sex In Marriage” survey, conducted by 104 marriage and relationship experts, the attraction between the spouses depends on the appreciation, rather than on the romance.

56% of the People Are Most Attracted to Their Spouses When They Feel Appreciated and Needed

The survey asked a number of people when they felt most attracted to their spouses. The majority of the people responded that they find their loved ones most appealing when they make them feel needed and appreciated. So, in order to keep your marriage happy, all you have to do is to look for small ways in which you will make your spouse feel needed and to always be grateful to them.

The study also showed some other interesting results. Twenty percent of the people stated that they feel attracted to their significant other when their partner is easy-going, pleasant, and happy while sixteen percent responded that it is when their partner expresses confidence about their accomplishments and skills.

Surprisingly, only six percent said that they feel attracted to their partner when they are acting sexy or flirty. While this characteristic was expected to come first on the list, it seems that making your partner feel needed is much sexier than being seductive and provocative. The need to feel needed is what helps the people to stay invested in their relationship. According to the findings of the study, the attraction in marriage goes far beyond the physical.