Study Says That a Sister Can Make Us Better People

According to a recent study, having a sister can have a really positive effect on our personality and that people who have sisters are better persons overall. The study’s lead author, Laura Walker, who is a professor at the Brigham Young University explains the study in details.

The study was mainly focused on the effect parents have on their children as well as the effect siblings have on one’s behavior. According to Professor Walker, even if we take into account the parents’ influence, the influence a sibling has is unique.

Siblings provide children with something quite special, something that can’t be provided by parents alone. The study involved 395 families with more than just one child and at least one aged 10-14 years old. The researchers involved in the study compiled information about the families’ dynamics and did a follow up after a year.

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The information they were able to obtain only confirmed what they stipulated in the begging. Having a sister, older or younger, made the children feel loved and protected them from feeling lonely, self-conscious and fearful. The age difference between the siblings didn’t matter, just the fact that they had one. And sister had a better influence on their personality. Brothers were a good influence as well, but not as much as sisters.

The research suggests that having a sister or a brother prompts us to do good, to look after other kids or to help out our neighbors. The influence siblings have in this aspect cannot be compared to the influence parents have.

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It’s true that siblings often argue, but still life without them would be lonely. Sisters have a better influence in this aspect as the female gender is more talkative and better at showing their emotions. It goes without saying that if you have a sister you find it easier to talk to her about everything, regardless of whether you’re a boy or a girl yourself.

What parents need to do, Professor Walker advises, is to encourage sibling affection as this is the bond that influences us positively. The closer the siblings are, the healthier they will be as adults. Parents shouldn’t be worried about fights between siblings, as long as they’re the normal kind. These arguments and petty fights actually give the children a chance to learn how to control their feelings and how to make up afterwards. These skills will be crucial for them as adults.

Consider yourself lucky if you have a brother or a sister, even though a sister is more likely to have a better influence on you. Regardless of the gender of your sibling, keep them close, talk to them and show your affection. Cherish the moments you spend together and know that you will always be here for one another in life.

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