Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

Ginger is the root of a perennial herbaceous plant that grows exclusively in the tropics. Ginger has a special place in many kitchens due to its specific aroma and sharp, spicy taste that sets it apart from other spices, but also because of its healing properties. For thousands of years it has been used as …

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Benefits od Consuming Honey

Honey – a sweet viscous substance produced by bees. Bees produce honey from flower nectar (sugar-rich plant secretions) and store it in a waxy structure called honeycomb. The honey variety produced by honey bees is best known for its global commercial production and use. Honey can be harvested either from wild bee colonies or from …

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Health Benefits from Sleeping on Your Left Side

Have you ever thought about the way you sleep? What’s your preferred sleeping position? Some sleep on the stomach, others on their back, while some prefer sleeping on the left or right side. We all choose the position we find most comfortable for us. But, did you know that some sleeping positions are more favorable …

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