New Gender – Neutral Playing Cards

The history of playing cards The first evidence for the existence of playing cards comes from an ancient Chinese dictionary, Qing Ji Tung, which states that playing cards were invented in China in 1120, but in 1132 they reached their peak and spread throughout China. But before the advent of paper playing cards, as we …

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Maori Tattoos – Meaning of Symbols

The Maori are an indigenous people native to New Zealand and the Polynesian Islands. This population is known for its rich tradition. In the cultural heritage of these ancient people is the art of creating unique tattoos. As the Maori say, no one can take away a man’s face (his tattoo). Maori tattoos are unique. …

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7 Common Dream Symbols and their Meanings

The dreams and their meanings have been a subject of fascination for many centuries. According to the famous psychotherapist Carl Jung (1875-1960), the dreams are a form of communication between yourself and the unconscious. They are not attempts to hide your real emotions from the waking mind, but rather they reveal more than they conceal …

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