The Types of Toxic Friends You Should Stay Away From

We’re all blessed with our best friends and we just love spending time with them. It’s like there are soulmates and life would never be the same without them. But there are the friends that we could do without, the toxic individuals that have crawled their way into our lives and we just don’t know how to shake them off. These people came into our life under false pretenses, pretending they’re our friends to get close to us, before they reveal their true nature. They have the worst influence on us and drain us of our energy, which is why we need to stay away from them as best as we can.

There are several types of toxic friends we need to avoid and below you’ll find the most common ones:

The friend who’s utterly irresponsible

We all have that one friend who we know we can never count on. They’re always late for everything and often don’t even bother to show up. They’re utterly unreliable and irresponsible that we don’t even know why we’re still friends with them. They obviously don’t respect us and don’t value our time so what’s the point in being friends with them.

The friend who makes a drama from everything

Maybe we all crave for some drama in our life from time to time, but being a 24-hours drama queen is tiring for everyone. These are the friends that want to be in the center of attention all the time. They may be fun to be around for some time, but after a while we all get sick of them. They have the amazing ability to create a major crisis from the smallest problem and it can really be embarrassing sometimes. They just want people to notice them and they don’t care what they do to achieve it.

The friend with an aura of negativity

The negative friend is probably the worst of the toxic friends you could run into. They’re so pessimistic and nothing is ever good enough for them. They find a negative side to almost anything and it’s like they can’t be happy for a second. They only see the bad things in life and forget to enjoy in the beautiful moments in life. They exude with negativity and every time you’re with them, you start feeling depressed too. Stay away as much as you can from these people unless you want to become negative as well.

The friend who’s always competing with you

Competition is not a bad thing, as long as it’s within the normal limits. However, if someone turns everything into a competition and goes out of his way to come out victorious, it’s becoming an addiction. These people will go to extremes to make you believe they’re better than you, in every possible thing you can imagine. They want to have the most beautiful houses, the most expensive cars, the smartest children, the best jobs. Everything is a competition doe them and there’s no point in trying to convince them otherwise.