Trick Question: Which Woman has Manners and Behaves Properly?

Good manners and cultural behavior are important for every person, no matter where they are, whether they are at home or in a public place. This is a universal rule also for all countries around the world, everywhere you should behave as it should. Of course it is never too late to learn the rules and if they are applied always and everywhere, of course you will leave the impression of a cultured and educated person . Each of us’s parents did not teach us good manners and cultural behavior, so it starts at an early age. Of course, over the years, the experience is built and new things are learned.

We have prepared a short test for you that will prove your good manners. This test is actually a short question, to which we expect an appropriate answer from you. This is the following situation. You can imagine that you enter a cafe, sit on one of the booths, and carry a bag in your hands. The question is: Where will you leave your bag? At the table, down on the floor, behind you in a chair, before you start drinking coffee and before you start talking? What do you think is the right answer? Only one of the answers offered corresponds to the correct manners, but do you know who it is?


The place of the bag is not on the floor, because it is very easy for someone to stumble on it and make a bigger problem.

The place of the bag is not even on the table because it will interfere with the waiter to place drinks or portions with food.

Finally, the place of the bag is on the chair behind you. It will not bother anyone there and it is a practical place to be left.

A few rules of good behavior

In a sports center (gym, pool, sauna, etc.)

If you find yourself in a kind of sports center, it is important to know the following rules.

1. In the pools it is not acceptable to speak too loudly, to exchange tenderness with your partner, because in that way you will cause inconvenience to other people around you.

2. The sauna is not a place to talk, especially if you are surrounded by strangers.

3. In a women’s locker room, women should not wear boys over 4 years old.
When it comes to borrowing money

1. Borrowed money is always given in an envelope in banknotes. That is how they should be returned.

2. If you do not define a certain refund period and it is not a very large amount, it is usually assumed that the amount will be refunded within 1 month.

Additional rules of good conduct

1. If someone lets you look at a photo on their phone, you should not continue to browse the other pictures in the gallery.

2. You should always bring something symbolic to the guests, regardless of whether the hosts will tell you that there is no need for a gift.

3. If there are more cabins in a public toilet, it is not cultural to talk to people in the adjacent cabins.

4. If someone wants to treat you to lunch, choose a modest portion. If the person wants to honor you with a certain portion, if you want to accept it, do not refuse.