10 Surprising Photographs that Prove Most of Us Are Clueless About How Food is Grown

When it comes to fruits and veggies we all love eating them and we all have our favorites. However, it would surprise you to learn that you probably don’t have a clue about how some of your favorite fruits and veggies are grown. We usually buy them at the grocery shop or the supermarket but we never even stop to think about how they’re produced. Well, below you will find some surprising photos that will show you how your favorite foods grow.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

You probably know that cocoa comes from beans but have you ever seen the pods in which you can find the cocoa beans? Feast your eyes on this weird plant and its fruits. These giant cocoa pods look surreal.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices around the globe but not many people know that it’s made from this tree’s dried bark. Weird right?


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

You probably love almonds and everything made from almonds but do you know how they grow? These tasty nuts grow on flowering trees and when the flowers turn into pods inside we can find these treats. Here’s a picture to prove it, in case you had your doubts.

Brussel Sprouts

Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

I personally love Brussels sprouts very much but I’ve never seen them how they grow. They grow in clusters that to many people may resemble cabbage. Look at how cute they look? Simply adorable!


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Pineapples grow on bushes with spikes, did you know this? The pineapple we all love grows smack in the center of these weird looking bushes.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

When it comes to artichokes we can either love them or hate them, but we can’t deny their nutritional values. Artichokes grow from these beautiful purple flowers that have feathers on top. I would never have imagined they grow from such delicate looking flowers.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Peanuts may very well be one of the most widely used ingredients in the US. Remember peanut butter? But before they become the peanuts we know and love, they grow under these beautiful yellow flowers, almost underground.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Capers are similar to grape as they grow on vines but before they turn into the capers we know they’re white flowers.


Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Kiwis also grow on vines, but on hanging ones. They’re first flowers which later become kiwis and start hanging down.

Vanilla bean

Credits to: gottadotherightthing.com

Here’s another spice that is a flower and then grows into a pod. But the vanilla pod is not like the cocoa pod, it’s quite long and thin.