17 Year old Boy was Kicked Out of his Home in Japan. From Homeless he Became a Billionaire. Find out How!

Taihei Kobayashi is from Tokyo, Japan. He was just 17 when his parents kicked him out of the house. Kobayashi wanted to leave prestigious high school to start doing what he wanted. Of course, his parents did not agree with his decision because they had other plans for him and his life, and than they kicked him out of the house. He had a dream, he wanted to focus on the music he created with his band and decided to leave home and dedicate himself to realizing that dream. He has since become homeless.

He spent 18 months as a homeless man. Kobayashi explains that there were days when his life was hell, but he managed to get through them. During the day he played music and mostly slept on the street. In the winter months he used cardboard boxes to protect himself from the cold. At the age of 19, the manager of a nightclub offered him a job and he soon started working in a nightclub. He left the street and homeless life. He worked in a nightclub for 6 years, then decided it was time to move on. Then he started selling records online and earning a living. Then he came across a job vacancy, which did not require previous work experience. To apply for the job he had to pass a test. In the test, the company tested his math skills, logical thinking and IQ. The test lasted six hours. Kobayashi managed to pass the exam and started working for the company, which trained him as a software engineer. There Kobayashi met Makoto Hirai who was one of the founders of “Sun”. The two decided to start a company and this is where the turning point in his life began.

The starting point for Kobayashi and Hirai’s company was the moment they realized that there were many software engineers who had excelled in programming, but few of them proved successful in using those skills to design working models. So we both decided to form a company to overcome those difficulties. Kobayashi moved to Vietnam in 2012. He was looking for young engineers to hire in his company. In March 2013, Kobayashi and Hirai formed Framgia Inc. in Japan, which later in 2019 changed its name to “Sun”. The idea of ​​the two founders of the company was to hire engineers who will help the Japanese start-up companies to build a sustainable business. Over the years, Sun has grown its business, and now has more than 70 customers.
The company “Sun” was highly ranked on the stock market for startups, with some ups and downs they managed to create large capital. In September last year, the company generated a net income of 649 million yen in just 9 months, which is 6.2 million US dollars.

Taihei Kobayashi is a true example of making dreams come true. This is his amazing story about how he became a billionaire from a homeless man. The road to success is difficult and thorny, but when you achieve the desired success you realize that every sacrifice was worth it. So never give up on your dreams. Work on them and you will achieve them sooner or later.