4 Quick and Easy Kitchen Cleaning Tricks

Cleaning the kitchen is probably the most difficult household chore to do. You may invest plenty of money in professional-grade cleaning products, expecting that they will make it easier for you to clean, but, apart from containing many toxic chemicals, these products cannot always provide you with the desired results. Luckily, there are some far less expensive and more natural alternatives which will help you to make your kitchen sparkling clean without putting much effort into it. Here are four simple tips and tricks that will enable you to rapidly clean your kitchen.

Remove Hard Water Deposits with White Vinegar

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White vinegar is one of the best natural ingredients that can help you to easily remove the hard water deposits from the kitchen sink. Apply the vinegar onto the surface, and wipe the area with a towel afterward. Make sure that you use regular white vinegar since it is very effective in dissolving the calcium deposits and making them extremely easy to remove.

Eliminate Fruit Flies with Lemon

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The appearance of fruit flies is a common and persistent problem in the kitchen. In order to get rid of them, you should place two lemon halves into your oven and leave the door open during the night. The following morning, close the door of your oven and turn the broiler on for a few minutes. Afterward, let the oven cool and remove the lemon. This simple trick will not only remove the insects from your kitchen, but also it will make your home smell nice and fresh.

Keep Your Sink White with Lemon and Baking Soda

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Even though the white sink can make your kitchen look fresh, it can also make even the smallest marks and stains visible. One of the easiest ways to remove the stains is to use a combination of baking soda and some leftover lemon. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda in the sink and scrub it with a lemon wedge. The baking soda and lemon combination will help you to destroy the germs and to restore the shine of the sink.

Clean the Kitchen Cabinets with Baking Soda and Vegetable Oil

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The combination of baking soda and vegetable oil is an amazing cleaner for kitchen cabinets. Make a solution by mixing one part vegetable oil and two parts baking soda. You can apply it onto the cabinets by using a toothbrush, a sponge, or even your hands. This solution is an excellent abrasive cleaner that cannot harm any surface.