5 Gardening Tricks with Yogurt

Have you ever heard that you can use yogurt in the garden and make it thrive? I bet you haven’t and I suppose you think it sounds weird but once you read all about the amazing benefits it has to offer, you’ll want to try them out ASAP.

Yogurt is rich in good bacteria (probiotics) that are highly beneficial for our overall health and help with digestion and immunity. But as it helps us, it also helps the plants too. The probiotics yogurt contains improve the nitrogen levels in the plants and help them grow stronger, prettier and healthier.

Let’s see everything we can do with yogurt in the garden!

5 Gardening Tricks with Yogurt

Natural fertilizer

Yogurt is an amazing natural fertilizer. As we already mentioned, it increases the nitrogen and phosphorus levels completely naturally and you don’t need to add any harmful chemicals. Mix yogurt and water in 50:50 ratios and spray it near the plants’ roots 1-2 times a month.

Eliminate mildew

If you’re afraid your plants may catch some fungal disease but you don’t want to spray them with chemicals, don’t worry, you can use yogurt. Mix it with water and add it to a spray bottle. Use it to treat fungal infections or spray it on your plants as a precaution, it works both ways.

Thriving citrus trees

If you have a citrus tree in your garden you can boost its growth with yogurt. Add 1-2 cups of yogurt to the base during growth season and repeat the process once a month. It will help your tree become stronger and healthier.

Growing moss

If you’re planning on growing moss, yogurt is the right thing for you. It’s an excellent medium for moss growth. Combine a cup of yogurt and 2 tbsp. of moss into a paste. Pour the mixture on your designated spot and water it regularly. Soon enough the moss will start growing.

Add yogurt to compost

If you want to improve the quality of your soil, combine yogurt with compost and cover it with sawdust and leaves. This will make the soil more fertile and will boost the growth of everything you plant there.