Canned Sardines. Do you know what it Contains and is it Healthy?

Blue fish is one of the foods that contains the most readily available unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are known to us as omega 3 acids, which help protect the cardiovascular system, can prevent various heart diseases and reduce high cholesterol levels. It is enough to consume 4 to 5 sardines a day, because they cover more than 50% of the daily needs for omega 3 acids. This canned sardine is easily available, and contains a large amount of protein, calcium, vitamin D and as mentioned omega 3 acids, so it is good to consume several times in a week.

They have been out of cans for decades, containing only fish, salt and oil
Sardines have been consumed for a long time, and from a nutritional point of view, they are perhaps the most important rival on the Adriatic, because many of the inhabitants satisfy their hunger with this food. Today, this canned sardine is available virtually everywhere, and it retains its useful ingredients until the moment of opening, and at the same time they are healthy and delicious. Their simplicity and only 3 ingredients that make them make sardines a great choice that contains all the good nutrients for a long time.

What do we know about sardines?

1. Sardines contain calcium and vitamin D, which play a major role in strengthening bones.

2. Sardines contain coenzyme Q10 which is a powerful antioxidant, and at the same time improves physical energy that protects the health of the cardiovascular system. This enzyme helps people with hypertension and heart abnormalities.

3. High-dose sardines contain tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

4. Sardines are a great food that contains protein, so they reduce the feeling of hunger even in small quantities, and a small amount of carbohydrates helps to maintain a stable blood sugar level.

5. The omega 3 fatty acids contained in sardines are important for the proper functioning of the brain and improve memory. These amino acids also help reduce inflammation, and are extremely useful for people suffering from arthritis.

6. Controls blood sugar levels. Sardines are full of healthy fats and proteins that act to slow down the absorption of blood sugar. Combining foods rich in protein and fat with carbohydrates can slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream and help with sudden fluctuations in blood sugar. Consumption of sardines is especially important for people who have diabetes, metabolic syndrome or other conditions related to insulin resistance.



  • Calorie content 166 kcal
    Protein 19 g
    Fat 10 g
    Carbohydrates 0 g
    Dietary fiber 0 g
    Water 69 gr