Everything Seems to be Going in a Normal Sequence of Numbers. But is That Really the Case?

Our brain is a complex organ. He has many abilities, but his utilization depends on the capacity of man. Our brain has the ability to read things by suggestion. That is, if he looks at a picture like this one below, if he does not pay enough attention he will look at the numbers in normal order 1, 2, 3 .. without noticing that some numbers are missing in the picture. That is the power of suggestion. In other words, our brain imagines the image that should follow, it imagines or reads the normal sequence of events, forms, numbers ..


It may seem like a normal order of numbers at first glance, but if you look closely at this picture you will notice that some numbers are missing. We’re sure you’ve noticed that the number 11 is missing by now. This is a brain teaser, not a puzzle, because the purpose of the brain teaser is to be amused once you solve the problem. You probably did not notice at first that there is no number 11 in this picture. That is the power of suggestion, because once your brain perceives the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, it normally perceives the following numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 .. even though there is no real number 11 in this picture.


Because you have the question of which number is missing in the picture, the second time you try to find the missing number, you will scan the picture more carefully. It is very likely that you will notice that the number 11 is missing from the second or third attempt.


Will you immediately notice the second missing number in this picture? Probably not for the first time, but after carefully scanning the image again and again you will notice that the number 32 is also missing in this image.
The fact that each column has a different number of numbers, the fact that the numbers are written close to each other, makes finding it more difficult. If all the numbers were written in 5 columns, it might be easier to find the ones that are missing. Another trick that is confusing here is that after the number 12, there is a normal order of the numbers up to the number 32. Our brain suggests seeing the other numbers and may not perceive that the number 32 is missing from the first attempt. The brain will “see” it although he is not actually in the picture.


If you managed to solve this brain teaser at first attempt, congratulations, your brain is in great health. Your ability to notice details is at a great level. We hope you enjoy this brain teaser. Solve these jokes for the brain from time to time, they are good for maintaining the health of your brain, as well as for quality pastime. Some will torture you, some will make you laugh, but one thing is for sure, they will shake your brain.