Excellent Exercises to Instantly Get Rid of Neck Pain

We all spend too much time in front of our computers at work, our TVs and smartphones at home and all of this inevitably leads to accumulation of neck pressure and results in neck pain. With the exercises we’ve got prepared for you below your neck pain will miraculously disappear. These exercises work on relaxing your neck muscles and relieving the pressure.

Relax Your Neck Muscles

Start by sitting in a chair, comfortably, with a straight spine. Place both hands on the basis of your scull and lean with your chin down towards your chest. Gently press your hands against your head until you start feeling a stretch in your neck.

Improve the Movements in the Shoulders

Sit in a chair, make sure you’re in a comfortable position or lie down. Your back should be in a straight position

Lift your left hand up from the front and bend it towards the back of your spine. Lift your right arm up from behind making sure the back of your palm faces your back. With your back straight, breathe in and start moving your arms so that your left and right palm touch behind you. Lock them in and hold tight until you feel a stretch in the back and arms.

Increase Blood Circulation in the Neck

Stand on the ground, back in a straight position and arms pressed against your body, feet shoulder-width apart.

Holding your arms straight next to your body gently lift your shoulders up, towards your ears and hold in that position for a few seconds. Relax your shoulders and repeat the exercise again.

Relieve the Pressure in the Muscles in Your Arms

Stand up straight with your left side next to a well and your left foot in front of your right.

Turn your head above your left shoulder. Slowly lift your arm above your shoulder, turn your upper body and place your palm on the wall behind you, above shoulder height. You need to keep the left arm in a straight position, turn your head and look up in front. Slowly take an open chest stance until you feel a stretch in your muscles.

Work on Your Posture

Sit in a chair, making sure you’re comfortable, or lie down on the floor keeping your spine in a straight position, your shoulders just a little back and your head turned forward.

Put two fingers (from the more painful side) on your chin. Press your chin gently and hold in that position for a few seconds. Then press as hard as you can until you get a double chin. Hold in that position for a few seconds, let go and then repeat the exercise.

Eliminate Muscle Spasms

Sit in the most comfortable position, with your back straight.

Lift your arms up above the head, and bend them at the palms, placing one palm against the other. Turn your chin, parallel to the floor, rotating your head to the left. Hold for a few seconds and then turn your head to the right.

Strengthen Your Shoulders

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands next to your body.

Lift your arms above your head and press your palms together. Keep your arms straight and stretch your spine forward and hold in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly move your arms back down, bend your elbows backwards and as much as you can move your shoulder blades inwards. Hold in that position for a few minutes and lift your arms back up again.