How to Protect Yourself in a Nuclear Attack?

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that reaches its enormous destructive power by a nuclear reaction. Nuclear weapons are one of the deadliest man-made inventions. Historically, nuclear weapons have only been used twice in the United States at the end of World War II. The first is the US dropping nuclear weapons on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and the second also on the Japanese city of Nagasaki in 1945.

Today, given the escalation of the Russian – Ukrainian war, we all fear such a nuclear catastrophe. It is important to be informed and prepared so that we know how to protect ourselves and how to survive in the event of such a nuclear attack. In the event of a nuclear attack, every minute should be put to good use and it is very important to survive.

The first few minutes to the first 24 hours after a nuclear attack are critical. After 1 hour of the explosion the risk of radiation exposure is reduced by 55%, and then within 24 hours the risk of radiation exposure is reduced by 80%. The most important thing is to inform the population so that they know how to protect themselves. Unfortunately, not all countries have adequate warning systems. This is a problem because it may be too late to realize what is happening.

How to protect yourself from radiation?

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The first thing you need to do is protect your eyes from the light emitted by the atomic bomb, which can blind you temporarily. It is best to cover your face with a scarf or something similar. The next step is to seek refuge immediately. Since not everyone has a house with basements, garages or the like, it is extremely important to know where you can take shelter. In that case, it is pure happiness. That is, if you find yourself in a bad shelter, and the other suitable shelter is in your immediate vicinity, it is good to hide there. If you need more time to get to the appropriate shelter, you should wait at least half an hour after the detonation before evacuating. This strategy can save thousands of lives.

How to protect yourself from inhaling particles?

According to research, we can not be sure how long it will take us to move to a safe haven. If a rash appears while you are out, what can shelter you is to lie on the ground with your face down and thus protect your face until the shock wave passes, and it would also be good to cover your face and mouth with material for to prevent the particles from being inhaled. Then you can hurry to a better shelter. The important thing is to avoid the first radioactive rain in this situation. Once the bomb is detonated, you have about 15 minutes before what is called a nuclear attack arrives. These are sand-like particles that are released into the air. These particles can float to the ground and cause radiation poisoning. This can cause serious damage to the body and result in death.