How to Soothe Your Burning Feet Naturally

A burning sensation in the feet is a common problem many people experience. While not a life-threatening issue, it is certainly unpleasant and can affect anyone regardless of gender or age.

In most cases, the reason for this problem is either inflammation or tissue damage due to injuries or heavy load on the feet. Toxin exposure can sometimes be the problem too, just like too much alcohol and diabetes. According to experts, a burning sensation in the feet can be caused by various nutritional deficiencies, including calcium, folic acid, thiamine, and vitamin B deficiency.

Sometimes, infections such as Athlete’s foot can cause it. Peripheral vascular disease may also trigger this symptom, so there are many culprits to blame. The symptoms you experience can indicate the underlying problem. If you’re only experiencing burning feet, it may be a small problem. However, if this symptom is accompanied by raised body temperature, dull aches, sweating, redness, and swelling in the legs, it can be a sign of something more troubling. In this case, you must visit your doctor.

If your feet only burn for no apparent reason, you can treat the problem at home. There are many natural remedies that can relieve the burning sensation and allow you to move properly like before.

Natural Remedies for Burning Feet


Apple cider vinegar is a pretty common natural remedy against a variety of diseases and conditions. It can successfully relieve the burning sensation in your feet as well. Mix a few tablespoons in a glass of water and drink the mixture every day to improve your health and prevent various diseases and conditions. You can also add some ACV to your bath and soak in it for instant relief.


Turmeric is a powerful natural remedy that can take care of a variety of diseases and conditions. It can prevent infections, relieve inflammation, and prevent the onset of various health problems. Add it to your diet by using it as a cooking spice. Additionally, add a few teaspoons in a glass of water and drink it every day to give your health a powerful boost.

Cold Water

Whenever your feet are burning, soaking them in icy water is a great quick fix. Just fill your tub with cold water and put your feet in it – you should feel much better in just a few seconds. Don’t soak them in cold water for more than a few minutes, though – it could make your symptoms worse.


Just like turmeric, ginger is a powerful natural remedy that can prevent numerous ailments. It can boost your blood flow and eliminate many vascular problems that could lead to burning feet. Drink a few cups of ginger tea every day to prevent this nagging symptom and add it to your diet to boost your health.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is full of minerals and other compounds that can easily reduce inflammation. If your feet are burning right now, you should soak them in a tub full of warm water with ½ a cup of Epsom salt. The inflammation should subside after a 10-15-minute soak. Before using this therapy, consult with your doctor. People with high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems might not be suitable for it.

Vitamin B3 Supplements

While not a remedy per se, taking vitamin B3 supplements should definitely prevent inflammation and variety of other problems that could lead to burning feet. Consult with your doctor to find the best B3 supplement and prevent a host of diseases and conditions.

Exercise and Massage

Both exercising and foot massages are great quick fixes for a burning sensation in the feet. They will both improve the circulation in your feet and prevent the symptom from turning worse. However, they only work if the problem is caused by overload – if the reason for our burning feet is something more sinister, a massage won’t be able to help.