Lose Weight Fast and Easy. How to Lose Weight at Home without Diet?

When sweets, cakes and pastries are mentioned, hardly anyone can resist them. Holiday or not, you can not go without a cake or candy. But unfortunately not everyone can afford to consume these sweet products without gaining a few pounds more. This happens to adults, but also to children. Excessive sugar consumption affects weight gain. …

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First ‘Sober Bar’ Changes the Game in Denver

Can you imagine going out on a Friday night or a Saturday night without drinking a drop of alcohol? Do you need a certain amount of alcohol to have a great evening? Is it necessary to sober up the next day and fight a hangover? “Sober Bar” is a bar that opened in Denver, Colorado. …

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Golden Milk: Ginger, Turmeric and Coconut Milk

Have you heard of golden milk? If you are wondering what this drink is, its ingredients are turmeric, pepper and coconut oil mixed together. It is used as a remedy for almost everything: colds, fever, skin problems… Although you can also make golden milk with soy or almond milk, the original recipe from India is …

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Relive Sciatica Pain Immediately with these Simple Tricks

Sciatica and back pain is very common pain among the people, and doctors usually prescribe opium drugs more often than physical activity and exercises that relieve back pain. For that reason, as the pain grows stronger, people take larger doses of painkillers, which grows into drug addiction and overdose. What Causes Back Pain There are …

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2 Garlic Recipes that will Improve your Health in Just 1 Week

Garlic is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. The consumption of garlic is very beneficial for promoting detoxification of your body, for improving your immune system, and for treating many health issues, such as a common cold, flu, hay fever, diarrhea, as well as fungal infections and bug bites. Garlic is highly recommended …

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5 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and their Health Benefits

There are several herbs that are extremely healthy for your body due to their rich nutritional value. Apart from adding flavor to your food, these herbs can significantly improve your immune system and, they can protect you from numerous undesired health conditions. Here are some of the best anti-inflammatory herbs that will provide you with …

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4 Spices that you Can Easily Grow at your Home

Apart from adding flavor to your food, the spices can provide you with numerous health benefits. They have a high content of volatile oils which are effective in supporting many bodily functions. Generally, the spices are very difficult to be grown at home since they can survive only in tropical and subtropical regions, and some …

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Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

Ginger is the root of a perennial herbaceous plant that grows exclusively in the tropics. Ginger has a special place in many kitchens due to its specific aroma and sharp, spicy taste that sets it apart from other spices, but also because of its healing properties. For thousands of years it has been used as …

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How to Soothe Your Burning Feet Naturally

A burning sensation in the feet is a common problem many people experience. While not a life-threatening issue, it is certainly unpleasant and can affect anyone regardless of gender or age. In most cases, the reason for this problem is either inflammation or tissue damage due to injuries or heavy load on the feet. Toxin …

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