It has Never Been Easier to Get Rid of your Back Fat with these 4 Exercises

Back fat is one of the problems that many women face when they are trying to lose some weight. It seems impossible to lose that fat and it is especially uncomfortable when wearing a bra. However, a few quick and easy exercises will help you lose all that fat and skin that comes out of your bra.
The best part about these exercises is that you can do it at home or anywhere you like. You can use handles, rubber banding tubing, hand weight or nothing but your hands. The key is to be persistent and in just three weeks your back fat will be gone completely.

Back Exercises Routine

1. Crisscross Reverse Fly

For this exercise you need to stand on your feet and place them shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly to get more stable and bend your core forward no more than 90 degrees. Your head should be facing down and you should be holding dumbbells or weights in your hands. Bend your hands at the elbows while your palms are facing each other. Start raising your hands in line with your shoulders or slightly lower. Repeat 10 times and do 3 sets of the exercise.

2. Elbow Kiss

Straighten your arms in front of you with your palms facing up. Then fold them at the elbows in a 90 degrees angle upwards. Start swinging your arms like a butterfly at the level of your shoulders. Open and close them repeatedly. Your elbows and forearms should be touching each other when you close your arms. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Bent-over Circular Row

Stand on your legs and put them apart at the width of your shoulders. Bend your body forward 90 degrees and take dumbbells in your hands. Move the dumbbells towards the opposite hand, lift it up, and move it towards your chest and the back. It should be a circular motion and you should do each hand at the time. Also repeat this exercise 10 times and do 3 sets.

4. Push and Touch

Stretch your arms over your head and lift them on the sides of your body. You can use dumbbells or a band to enhance the intensity of the exercise. Your hands should be straight to the sides and your palms should be facing forward. Start the exercise by lifting them up above your head and back in the initial position. Do 10 repetitions and 3 sets of this exercise.

Useful Tips

Make sure that you hold the right posture all the time. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart and your back should be straight.

Do not make quick and sharp movements. Take your time and do the exercises slowly. You should feel the muscles on your back tightening.

Always warm up at the beginning and do some stretches when you finish the exercise. That way you will avoid injury and straining your muscles while exercising and you will relax the tightened muscles after the exercise.

For this exercise routine to be effective you need to be disciplined and persistent. Do not give up, be committed and consistent. Take about a half an hour of your day to do the exercises and soon you will see the results.