Snoring and Sleep Apnea. How to Stop Snoring?

Snoring is a phenomenon that occurs often and in almost everyone. However, this phenomenon can negatively affect the quality of your sleep, as well as the sleep of your family or people with whom you sleep in the same room. Snoring can interfere with a good night’s sleep, so the next day it is very likely that you will feel irritable, tired and sleep deprived. Snoring can also cause problems between love partners.

What is important and what should be known is that not every snoring is caused by the same reasons. If the causes of snoring are determined in time, then that cause could be prevented in time and the peaceful flow of sleep can be restored. One of the reasons why people snore most often is the excess tissue in the nose and throat. Also, the position of the tongue at night can be the culprit for snoring. In some people, the tongue is pulled back into the throat at night, thus disrupting the flow of air and creating that unpleasant snoring sound. Age is also one of the factors that affect snoring, because as the number of years increases, the throat opening narrows and muscle tone decreases. Men have a congenital narrow throat, so they are the ones who snore more often than women. Unpleasant snoring sounds can also be caused by the nose and sinuses, ie when the sinuses are inflamed, the air is harder to pass through the nose, thus creating a vacuum and this leads to snoring.


Sudden weight gain or loss of weight can also cause snoring. Smoking, alcohol and drugs can also cause snoring. If the sleeping position at night is sleeping on your back, then you are probably snoring. Why is that? When you sleep on your back, the muscle tissue in your throat relaxes and obstructs the circulation of air.

There are several ways you can prevent snoring, and here are some of them


Turmeric has antibiotic and antiseptic effects, so it can treat inflammation and help reduce snoring. Turmeric is best combined with milk. This drink will help you to facilitate breathing at night, but at the same time it helps to strengthen the immunity. In a glass of warm milk you can add two teaspoons of turmeric powder and drink it at bedtime. You should do this every day before going to bed.


Mint also provides easier breathing, thus reducing the swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. All you have to do is add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to 1 cup of water and rinse your throat with this liquid before going to bed. But under no circumstances should you drink this water. You should repeat this every day until you notice that you have relief of breathing.


Some people only snore at certain times of the year. This is usually due to weather changes and snoring is most often caused by allergies. This can be easily cured with nettle, as nettle has an anti-inflammatory effect. In 250 ml of boiled water add one tablespoon of dried nettle. After 5 minutes, strain the tea and drink it before going to bed. This tea can be consumed 2 to 3 times a day during the allergy season.


Chamomile tea also has an effect on facilitating breathing and preventing snoring. Chamomile tea relaxes the areas in the throat due to which snoring occurs and thus provides easier breathing and better sleep. A cup of chamomile tea at bedtime can help significantly.


Garlic is great for fighting infections in the respiratory system. If the sinuses are the problem that makes you snore, then a clove of garlic will help you a lot. Before going to bed, chew a clove of garlic and drink a glass of water. This will make your breathing easier and give you better sleep.

One thing to pay special attention to is to determine whether it is a normal snoring or it is night apnea which is a potential danger to the life of the individual, and for which it is necessary to treat and for which it is necessary to seek medical help.