Varicose Veins

Varicose veins may not cause pain but they can be very unpleasant. Especially among the women’s in the summer period that can be very unbeloved situation. Although varicose veins often caused by genetic factors, today’s modern lifestyle imposing prolonged standing or sitting breaks down healthy veins, resulting in calling etc. dilated or varicose veins. Often …

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7 Signs that you are Eating Too Much Salt

Salt as a spice, we all use daily in our kitchen in almost every meal. As with everything else, the rule of moderation applies to salt. The table salt we use contains 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride, which means that each teaspoon of salt contains 2,000 milligrams of sodium, which is about a …

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Blood Clot Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

We’ve all heard about the dangers of blood clots, but do you know what it really is? A life-threatening condition that occurs due to a lump (or lumps) of coagulated blood in the blood vessels, blood clots is a problem that requires immediate medical attention. In most cases, the clots appear due to pulmonary embolism. …

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